Causes of the Reformation


Short- and long-term causes of the Reformation
Mapa Mental por B G, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por B G hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Causes of the Reformation
  1. Long-term causes
    1. The decline of the church
      1. Strong Kings took control
        1. Prestige and power of chruch was lessened
        2. The Black Death
          1. Credibility and reputation damaged
        3. Modern period
          1. Voyages to explore
            1. External influences
              1. Church being doubted
              2. Renaissance
                1. printing press
                  1. Spreading information without chruch
            2. Lollards
              1. Declared to follow the bible
                1. John Wycliffe
                  1. Pope isn't Christ's representative
              2. Short-term causes
                1. Martin Luther
                  1. Questioned the pope
                    1. defied emperor and pope
                      1. listed 95 Theses on the church door
                        1. Hid at Wartburg Castle
                          1. Several supporters
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