

A minmap about the Long- and Short-Term causes of the Reformation
Raphael Travnicek
Mapa Mental por Raphael Travnicek, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Raphael Travnicek
Creado por Raphael Travnicek hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Short-Term Cause
    1. Martin Luther (1483-1546)
      1. first reformer
        1. openly broke up with the Church
          1. questioned sale of indulgences
            1. pinned his 95 Theses on a church door
              1. requested to be punished as a heretic
              2. protected by Fredrick III, of Saxony
            2. Long-Term Causes
              1. Decline in Influence of the Church
                1. Black Death (1348-50)
                  1. killed many priests
                    1. inability to explain it
                      1. peasants rebelling against their masters
                      2. Rise of Powerful Kings
                        1. right to tax church property
                          1. in opposition of the Pope
                            1. Pope forced to live in Avignon
                              1. loss of prestige and power
                                1. two different Popes elected
                                  1. one Pope first again in 1417
                            2. New Ways of Thinking
                              1. Crusades
                                1. opened external influences
                                  1. great voyages of discovery
                                    1. exploration of America 1492
                                  2. Renaissance
                                    1. revival of ancient Greece
                                      1. invention of printing press 1436
                                        1. information was spread more quickly
                                    2. Earlier Opposition to the Church
                                      1. criticism about practices of clergymen
                                        1. "worshippers of money"
                                        2. sale of relics
                                          1. spread of the Lollard movement
                                            1. huge protest against the English Kings
                                              1. Hussite Wars
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