The Person Of Jesus


RE Mapa Mental sobre The Person Of Jesus, creado por Al_the Spaniard el 02/05/2013.
Al_the Spaniard
Mapa Mental por Al_the Spaniard, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Al_the Spaniard
Creado por Al_the Spaniard hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Person Of Jesus
    1. Rabbi means teacher
      1. A miracle worker would cause things to happen that would not usually happen
        1. Rabbis travel around towns and villages teaching the old testament not changed at all.
          1. There are 3 types of miracles.
            1. 1. Healings - Jesus was often seen as showing compasion as well as power.
              1. 2. Exorcisms - demons were responsable for metal illness
                1. Authority from god - Jesus tried not to spread as part of the messianic secret
                  1. He himself was a supernatural being
                    1. Satan? - scribes thought this.
                    2. 3. Nature miracles - Jesus' power over nature e.g. the calming of the storm
                    3. The 3 types of miracles and the refernces
                      1. Healings - Healed Jairus daughter, Healed Blind Bartimaes, Healed man with the withered hand
                        1. Exorcisms - Jesus heals a boy with an evil spirit
                          1. Nature miracles - The calming of the storm.
                        2. KEY STORIES
                          1. THE CALMING OF THE STORM
                            1. 1. In the evening and wanted to cross a lake
                              1. 2. they got in a boat and suddenly, a strong wind blew.
                                1. 3. waves began to spill into the boat, about to fill it
                                  1. 4. Jesus was sleeping with his head on a pillow
                                    1. 5. disciples questioned and asked if he had cared about them
                                      1. 6. Jesus questions their faith to him.
                                      2. THE FEEDING OF THE 5000
                                        1. 1. Jesus crossed the river via boat to the other side
                                          1. . 2. The crowd followed them via island
                                            1. 3. Jesus felt pity for them.
                                              1. 4. He taught them and fed them with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
                                            2. LESSON 2 - THE FEEDING OF THE 5000
                                              1. His heart will fill with pity for them - Jesus was Human. He was filled with compassion and felt sorry sorry the people around him.
                                                1. like as sheep with no shepherd - This referred back to the old testament metaphor for the future messiah.
                                                  1. 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish - the 5 books of Jewish law and the 2 tablets on where the commandments were written.
                                                    1. Green grass show it was an eyes witness account.
                                                      1. The remaining twelve baskets were the twelve tribes of Israel
                                                        1. The groups of 50 and 100 were army groups in the OT. Thus possibly showing that people felt like a new army
                                                        2. LESSON 3 - THE FEEDING OF THE 5000 (2)
                                                          1. christian perspectives
                                                            1. Nothing is impossible as Jesus is the SOG
                                                              1. mark's Gospel is divinely inspired and thus represents the historical truth
                                                                1. A miracle had happened though many had exaggerated
                                                                2. What was Manna? - representative of the torah or jewish law.
                                                                  1. does it matter if the feeding of the 5000 actually happened?
                                                                    1. Yes - can lead to the reliability of other stories
                                                                      1. no - it is the symbolism rather than the accuracy that matters
                                                                    2. LESSON 4 - JESUS CHRIST/MESSIAH
                                                                      1. What does christ mean - the leader promised to the Jews
                                                                        1. What does Messiah Mean - the person whom God will send to save humanity
                                                                          1. Why were kings annointed - to mark them as chosen by God and to give strength to do god's work
                                                                            1. Why did Jews believe that the messiah would be a desendant of King David - since he was such a good king, they thought he would have similar characte
                                                                            2. LESSON 5 - JESUS CHRIST/MESSIAH (2)
                                                                              1. Jesus did not call himself messiah due to the fact that religious authorities and Romans may not like the thought of the KOG starting in short notice
                                                                                1. Why he didn't want his identity as messiah to be known
                                                                                  1. He wanted to teach and heal without being popular. He wanted time to train his disciples and establish his mission
                                                                                    1. Jesus didn't want the Romans to think he was trying to cause trouble and planning a war to establish the KOG
                                                                                      1. the transfiguration account Jesus doesn't want his disciples to share the importance of who he was with everyone.
                                                                                      2. Christians prefer the title messiah because it is a historical figure
                                                                                        1. He would be a desendant of David.
                                                                                          1. Would fulfill the OT predictions if a leader that would be anti-selfish
                                                                                            1. Jesus was the person that established the KOG
                                                                                      3. LESSON 6 - JESUS: SON OF MAN
                                                                                        1. He used the title himself
                                                                                          1. Used of a heavenly being from God.
                                                                                            1. He used the title to stress on the fact that he was more than just a human being and that he came with authority form GOD
                                                                                          2. The title, Son of Man falls into three main areas.
                                                                                            1. Jesus as a Man
                                                                                              1. Jesus as being a vunerable being
                                                                                                1. Jesus as a glorious being
                                                                                              2. LESSON 7 - JESUS:SON OF MAN (2)
                                                                                                1. 2 occasions that Jesus used the title Son of Man
                                                                                                  1. When the paralysed man came through the roof - The son of man has authority to forgive sins
                                                                                                    1. When he spoke about the sabbath - The son of man is lord, even of the sabbath
                                                                                                    2. He said that death was not the end as god would raise him to glory and he would come back with the establishment of the KOG
                                                                                                      1. Advantages and disadvantages of the SOM for chirstians
                                                                                                        1. It points his future glory
                                                                                                          1. It is a Jewish title with additional meaning found only if you know it's meaning in the OT
                                                                                                          2. The three main aspects of the meaning of the SOM for Jews
                                                                                                            1. Humanity
                                                                                                              1. Vulnerability
                                                                                                                1. Future glory
                                                                                                          3. LESSON 8 - JESUS: SON OF GOD
                                                                                                            1. Faithful Jews were called this.
                                                                                                              1. as well as old testament kings
                                                                                                                1. The nations of Israel
                                                                                                              2. Jesus didn't use this title to show readers that Jesus' relationship with God was unique
                                                                                                                1. The baptism of Jesus showed that Jesus was aware of his unique relationship with God and the mission top which he had been called as
                                                                                                                  1. mark contrasts the faith of the high priest who does not recognize Jesus as the SOG with the faith if a gentile who does recognize it.
                                                                                                                  2. Christians believe that the SOG is a GOOD title for Jesus because...
                                                                                                                    1. It clearly states what christianity teaches
                                                                                                                      1. It has no political links and it not tied to a particular culture
                                                                                                                        1. It shows the closeness of Jesus and God
                                                                                                                          1. Reminds us of Jesus' power to heal and save
                                                                                                                    2. Christians believe that the title SOG for Jesus is a BAD title for Jesus because...
                                                                                                                      1. Doesn't suggest that Jesus is human
                                                                                                                        1. Difficult to relate to a supernatural being
                                                                                                                          1. SOG seems quite remote
                                                                                                                            1. Other titles are best suited to him.
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