B541 Cognitive.


jAMIE Butt
Mapa Mental por jAMIE Butt, actualizado hace más de 1 año
jAMIE Butt
Creado por jAMIE Butt hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

B541 Cognitive.
  1. Cognitive Psychology. Memory - 3 - Core Study.
    1. Terry (2005) Serial Position effect.
      1. Procedure - PTP show 15 commercials. IV - the time delay or with immediate recall. DV - number of correctly recalled commericals.
        1. Found - Immediate recall group = Primary Effect (1st) and recency effect (last) Evaluation / Limitation / Criticisms.
          1. 1. Lacks ecological validity - took place in a laboratory using an artificial task. 2. Low construct validity - The experiment only measured memory through commericals.
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