Spreadsheet Softwares revision


Mapa Mental sobre Spreadsheet Softwares revision, creado por Paige Goodyear el 09/11/2016.
Paige Goodyear
Mapa Mental por Paige Goodyear, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Paige Goodyear
Creado por Paige Goodyear hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Spreadsheet Softwares revision
  1. Columns goes down
    1. Rows goes across
    2. Benefits of using Spreadsheets
      1. What if investigations
        1. It can complete autoatic recalculations
          1. Accurate calculations
            1. Easy to use graphs and charts
            2. Components of Spreadsheets
              1. Labels
                1. Headings
                  1. Titles
                    1. Names
                      1. Identifying rows or columns of data
                    2. Functions
                      1. A function is a specified calculation that the spreadsheet software has memorized
                        1. =Average
                          1. =Total
                            1. =Sum
                            2. Relative referencing
                              1. Moves position
                              2. Absolute referencing
                                1. Stays in position
                                Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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