Business Process


Mapa Mental sobre Business Process, creado por Mar Ro el 10/11/2016.
Mar Ro
Mapa Mental por Mar Ro, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mar Ro
Creado por Mar Ro hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Business Process
  1. Is any organization
    1. that create results of value
    2. are transformed into
      1. goods
        1. business
          1. services
          2. Type of business
            1. Proprietorship
              1. Partnership
                1. Corporation
                2. Type of companies
                  1. Manufacturing
                    1. Information company
                      1. Financial company
                        1. Real estate company
                          1. Retail-trade company
                            1. Service company
                            2. Functional organization of a company
                              1. The strategic level
                                1. Vision
                                  1. Misison
                                  2. Responsibility of the management
                                    1. Goals
                                      1. Objetive
                                      2. Role of business management
                                        1. Requirements
                                          1. Expectations
                                          2. management at operational level
                                          Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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