There are also a large number of private
kindergarten facilities.
Primary school 6-12
Children between 6 and 12 years go to primary
school. This school is free. In 2001, 86.7% of
children attending this school. 89% of these
children succeed.
Secondary education 12-16
Secondary and fourth education is divided in basic secondary
(grades 6 to 9) and mid secondary (grades 10 and 11). The
mid-secondary education (usually beginning at the age of 15
or 16) offers many different "tracks", which all lead to their
own "Bachiller" after a curriculum of two years.
University education
University education is divided into under-graduate degrees and post-graduate degrees and
is regulated by the 30th law of 1992. Most of the university degrees are 5 years long.
Technical formation usually lasts 3 years. Post-graduate education includes specializations,
masters and PhD programs.