"It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value". To what extent do you agree?


Theory of Knowledge Mapa Mental sobre "It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value". To what extent do you agree?, creado por Alexandra Kenjeeva el 10/11/2016.
Alexandra Kenjeeva
Mapa Mental por Alexandra Kenjeeva, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alexandra Kenjeeva
Creado por Alexandra Kenjeeva hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

"It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value". To what extent do you agree?
  1. KQ:To what extent does the difficulty of knowledge production leads to complex knowledge?
    1. Thesis: The difficulty of the process of knowledge production does not necessarily correlates to the complexity of the knowledge produced
      1. Someone can produce difficult knowledge with a difficult process
        1. AoK of Natural sciences: experimental method, difficult process, leading to difficult knowledge
          1. Relates to RLS: discovery of atoms
            1. Subsidiary KQ: To what extent can theological and philosophical reasoning be considered a less difficult process than scientific method?
        2. Someone can produce difficult knowledge without any difficulty
          1. Intrinsic talents
            1. RLS: Mozart
            2. WoK: acquiring knowledge through Intuition
            3. Same knowledge can be accessed through easy or difficult paths, but can have the same value
              1. Depending on
                1. Knowledge available
                  1. Person
                    1. RLS: Einstein's discoveries (IQ etc.)
                    2. Culture
                      1. Time
                        1. Scientific progress
                        2. Shared knowledge
                      2. RLS: Democritus and the atomism theory vs the scientific discovery of atoms = same knowledge, different paths
                        1. Subsidiary KQ: How can we define difficult or easy knowledge? Does it depend on whether it is detailed or not?
                          1. Relates to RLS: Can atomism be valued the same as the scientific discovery of atoms?
                      3. Someone can produce "easy" knowledge with a difficult process
                        1. Kids as a counter-claim: parents value the knowledge production process more than the final product
                          1. Nick Vujicic
                          2. Complex knowledge
                            1. Time spent
                              1. Easy knowledge
                                1. Subjectivity of judging knowledge
                                2. Difficulty of knowledge production?
                              2. Assumptions and problems
                                1. Everyone values knowledge the same way? "we" is problematic
                                  1. That knowledge is produced and can't be innate
                                    1. Meaning of "truly value"?
                                    2. I or society: who judges the difficulty of the process of knowledge production?
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