Letter describing my best friend


Trabajo del tema escogido
Carolayn Nomelin Fonseca
Mapa Mental por Carolayn Nomelin Fonseca, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carolayn Nomelin Fonseca
Creado por Carolayn Nomelin Fonseca hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Letter describing my best friend
  1. He does not like
    1. He does not like to see when his children misbehave
      1. He covers his face in the face of evil
      2. He does not like people not to believe in
        1. He becomes sad when we are selfish
        2. He does not like it when his children do not talk to him
          1. He does not like that they do not take it into account.
        3. He likes
          1. He likes to do many things
            1. Everything he does likes
            2. Save the lost
              1. Shake hands with those who have fallen
              2. He likes to listen to the adorations
                1. He likes it when his children talk to him
              3. Physical appearance
                1. My best friend is so big.
                  1. His feet fit the best mark that is the purpose
                  2. he's beautiful
                    1. He is clothed with the radiance of his glory
                    2. Nobody can contemplate its beauty
                      1. Your hands are big
                      2. His hair is medium-long and shines too bright
                        1. Her dress is so beautiful that no one can understand it
                        2. el brilla tanto en la luz como en la oscuridad
                          1. His face is resplendent
                        3. Daily routine
                          1. He heals people
                            1. He frees people from their oppressions
                            2. He still cares for the animals on the planet.
                              1. He sustains their lives
                              2. Every day he cares for his children because he loves them
                                1. He gives them life, food, clothing and purpose
                                2. He does a lot every day
                                  1. Because it has a lot of responsibility
                                  2. He looks for people until they let themselves be found
                                    1. He listens to thousands of prayers asked daily
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                                  PARTES DE LA ETICA
                                  DIANA C VALENCIA
                                  MI AUTODIAGNOSTICO
                                  Juan Gerardo Ricaud Escobedo
                                  ¿Quién soy, de donde vengo y a dónde voy?
                                  Isela Blanco
                                  Mapa Mental; Decisiones Estratégicas.
                                  John Zuñiga
                                  LAS 21 CUALIDADES DE UN LÍDER
                                  Carmen Ortega Pereira
                                  Carla Terán
                                  Las cualidades del sonido.
                                  Clara Rojas
                                  COMO SON LOS EMPRENDEDORES
                                  Carol Rios
                                  Cualidades de un buen Orador
                                  Luiggi Lozano Malca
                                  la inteligencia emocional-goleman
                                  Laura Salazar