Textures & Patterns within environment


Mapa Mental sobre Textures & Patterns within environment, creado por emily sellars el 16/11/2016.
emily sellars
Mapa Mental por emily sellars, actualizado hace más de 1 año
emily sellars
Creado por emily sellars hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Textures & Patterns within environment
    1. Arbroath harbour
      1. grainy beach
        1. lobster cages
          1. nets
            1. boats
              1. ropes
                1. telegraph poles
                  1. shore line
                    1. harbour walls
                  2. VISUAL ELEMENTS
                    1. colours
                      1. black and white
                        1. vibrant colours
                          1. dark colours
                          2. contrasts
                            1. patterns
                              1. line
                                1. symmetry
                              2. EQUIPMENT
                                1. camera
                                  1. lenses
                                  2. tripod
                                    1. bag
                                      1. waterproof
                                      2. battery
                                        1. spare battery
                                          1. SD cards
                                        2. PHOTOGRAPHER INFLUENCES
                                          1. sebastiao salgado
                                            1. documnetry and nature photographer
                                            2. tones and textures
                                              1. lines
                                                1. grainy
                                                  1. different colours
                                                  2. documentary and landsapes
                                                    1. life situations
                                                      1. nature
                                                        1. landscapes
                                                      2. CAMERA ANGLES
                                                        1. low angle
                                                          1. high angle
                                                            1. side on angle
                                                              1. birds eye view
                                                                1. high angle
                                                                2. TOPICS
                                                                  1. ropes
                                                                    1. fishing nets
                                                                      1. lobster cadges
                                                                        1. trees
                                                                          1. leafs
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