Physics Mind Map


mind map about Physics
Amanda Louise Lord
Mapa Mental por Amanda Louise Lord, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amanda Louise Lord
Creado por Amanda Louise Lord hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Physics Mind Map
  1. Charge
    1. Current means the flow of electric charge in a circuit (electrons). It is measured in amps.
      1. Potential Difference/voltage means the push to move the current in a circuit.This is the driving force.
        1. the resistance is any components in a circuit that reduces the flow of a current.
          1. Charge is a measure of the rate of flow of current in a given time - Charge unit is Coulombs (C) and the unit is Seconds (s)
            1. Q = I x T is the same as T = I x Q or I = Q/T
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