Information Systems


The task was to complete a resource based on the information found in the Youtube video
Joshua Dairo
Mapa Mental por Joshua Dairo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Joshua Dairo
Creado por Joshua Dairo hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Information Systems
  1. Elements of Information Systems
    1. Database: to store the data
      1. Program: to help you use the data
        1. User Interface: to issue commands and receive results
      2. Your personal information needs to be:
        1. Stored
          1. Categorised
            1. Searched
              1. Sorted
              2. What is an Information System
                1. A set of computer-based tools to collect, store and process data
                2. Businesses depend on Information systems
                  1. Carry out their day-to-day operations
                    1. Communicate with customers
                      1. Communicate with suppliers
                        1. Compete
                        2. Corporations use information systems to:
                          1. To reach potential customers
                            1. To process financial accounts
                              1. To manage the workforce
                              2. Governments use information systems:
                                1. To provide services cost effectively to citizens
                                  1. To manage the economy
                                    1. To gather taxes
                                    2. To manage data, we rely on Information Systems to:
                                      1. Create
                                        1. Store
                                          1. Access
                                            1. Find
                                              1. Control
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