Climate Change


(World at Risk) Geography AS Mapa Mental sobre Climate Change, creado por YasmineG el 04/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por YasmineG, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por YasmineG hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Climate Change
  1. Long-term climate change
    1. Greenland and Antarctic ice cores from ice sheetsare the best evidence for long term.
      1. East Antarctic core shows the climate of the last 800,000 years.
        1. Bubbles in the ice contain atmospheric CO2 and the ice preserves oxygen isotopes.
        2. Key Terms
          1. Climate Change - any long term trend or shift in climate detected by a sustained shift in the average value for any climatic event.
            1. Thermohaline circulation - System of surface and deep water ocean currents driven by temperature and salinity differences between areas of the ocean.
              1. Little Ice Age (1400-1850) - A cool period in Europe. Many Alpine glaciers advanced.
                1. Thermal expansion - Increased volume of the seas due to higher water temperature. Causes sea level rise.
                  1. Climate forcing - Any mechanism that alters the global energy balance and 'forces' the climate to change in response. e.g.change in Earth's orbit or axis
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