Issues Surrounding Classification + Diagnosis


A level (Schizophrenia) Psychology A2 Mapa Mental sobre Issues Surrounding Classification + Diagnosis, creado por Stephanie Bates el 02/04/2014.
Stephanie Bates
Mapa Mental por Stephanie Bates, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Stephanie Bates
Creado por Stephanie Bates hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Issues Surrounding Classification + Diagnosis
    1. The Reliability of the Major Classification Systems (ICD + DSM)
      1. Clinicians - ICD/DSM - diagnose SZ reliably. Agree on diagnosis is follow guidlines
        1. Evidence - low diag/ reliability - Copeland et al (1971) - Description patient, 134 US, 194 UK psychiatrists - 69% US = SZ, 2% UK. Cross Cultural variation
          1. Still little ev/ DSM high reliability. Whalley (2011) - inter-rater reliability correlations in diagnosis - 0.11
          2. Treatment: wrong diagnosis... Serious side effects drugs
            1. Labelling: neg/ labels hard to remove. Carry stigma rest of lives
              1. Improve Manuals: Many differences early versions. Current = more sim/ still diff/s (6/1 months)
              2. Variation in Symptoms
                1. Variability in symptoms required - different beh/s = same diagnosis
                  1. Klosterkotter et al (1994) - assessed 489 admissions, German psychiatric unit - pos/ neg/ symptoms = greater agreement bet/w/ clinicians (more reliable diag/). Pos/ = more reliable. Incorrect diag/ = wrong treatment
              3. VALIDITY
                1. Differentiating SZ
                  1. Probs/ - distinct from other MDs (Mood Ds, depression, developmental Ds, autism, drug-induced psychosis). Additional tests make distinction. (Drug induced/ - obs/ + toxicology tests)
                    1. Further complicated - depression = COMORBID (occurs w/ SZ)
                      1. Early diagnosis + prompt treatment = better long-term (Jackson + Birchwood, 1966). Blurred boundaries + comorbidity = early diag/ problematic - less likely recover
                        1. Treatment: Multiple disorders = strict consideration compatibility drugs. Comorbidity, diff/ predict outcome + response
                        2. Cultural Relativism
                          1. Newer versions - DSM+ICD - deal, cultural diff/s. Davison + Neale (1994) - Asian - emotional turmoil praised if no expression. Arabic - full expression, emotion public encouraged. Interpret emotional beh/ as symptoms.
                            1. Higher rates SZ - African-Caribbean patients UK+USA. Keith et al (1991) - 2.1% Afr/ SZs, 1% white. Doctors not Afr/ misinterpret symp/s. Unnecessary labelling + treatment
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