Prayer- A Community at War


By: Samantha Dunaway
Mapa Mental por samantha.dunaway, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por samantha.dunaway hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Prayer- A Community at War
  1. Was the Film Objective? I would have to say yes and no.
    1. Yes, the film was objective.
      1. It was objective because it included both sides of the case between the school and the mother in Mississippi.
        1. It is interesting me that both sides are fighting for religious freedoms. I liked the story that was told in the car by the mom on the side against the school district. Her son saw religious freedom signs in peoples yards and thought, "they are for us mom!" but in reality, they were for keeping prayer in school.
          1. After listening to a short PBS interview with the film directors, it seemed like each film director could sympathize with a different side. I am sure this helped keep the film balanced.


            • PBS(1999) <>;
          2. No, the film was not objective
            1. Although it shows both sides of the case, it does not do so in an objective manner. I know it is not just me because a few of us discussed this after class but it made the Christians in the film seem as though they were uneducated and narrow minded. This was also present in the documentary called The Revisionaries.


              • Thurman(2012)
          3. Parent Conference Senario
            1. The steps I would take
              1. First, I would want the parent to feel heard, so the first step I would take would be to listen and ask unassuming questions that lead me to a better understanding of what the parent is trying to communicate.
                1. Second, I would let the parent know that I respect what they have to say and let them know I appreciate them coming to me and making the meeting
                  1. Third, I would tell them that if the student would like to pray on their own time than that is something that they are welcome and encouraged to do. Let them know that although they have taken prayer out of the school, the child is still free to engage in their own prayer time.
                    1. Fourth I would explain that it is the students right to practice prayer on their own but in the state and church are seperate and as a result, the school can not enforce school lead prayer. It is unconstitutional to force the other students to participate in prayer.
                      1. Lastly, I would see if the parent has any more concerns and thank them for coming in to see me. I would want to know if there uneasy feelings are resolved. If not I would ask to see if the parent had another solution in mind.
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