

Monotheism religions of Christianity.
Cheyenne Chang
Mapa Mental por Cheyenne Chang, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cheyenne Chang
Creado por Cheyenne Chang hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Origins
    1. The Birthplace of Christianity
      1. Judea


        • Christianity was remote territory at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.
      2. Jesus
        1. Life


          • Jesus began preaching in Galilee, Then, he preached in synagogues, or Jewish places of worship. Jesus called a small number to be his followers, or disciples.His disciples were mostly commoners such as laborers and fishermen. 
          1. Birth


            • No one knows exactly when Jesus was born. Historians now believe that Jesus's birth occurred around 6 B.C.E., during the reign of King Herod. 
            1. death


              • The Gospels say that three days later Jesus rose from the dead and then appeared to his disciples, an event Christians refer to as the Resurrection. 
            2. Teachings


              • Jesus based his teachings on traditional Jewish beliefs. However, the Gospels claim he put special emphasis on love and mercy.
            3. Paul
              1. Missionary Work


                • One day Paul was traveling to Damascus. He saw a blinding light and heard the voice of Jesus, a vision that changed his life. Paul adopted the Christian faith and became a missionary.
              2. Spreads
                1. By the 60s C.E


                  • Christians were beginning to attract the notice of the Romans. Christian preachers traveled along the roads of the empire. Paula and Peter, a friend close to Jesus, preached in Rome. Many Romans viewed them as a threat to Roman order and patriotism as the number of Christians increased. Then, the Christian religion was declared illegal.
                  1. By 300 C.E.


                    • Millions of Christians resided in the Roman lands of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. 
                    1. By 313 C.E


                      • Constantine announced the Edict of Milan in which he gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion openly.
                    2. The Central Beliefs of Christianity
                      1. The Holy Trinity


                        • The union of three beings in one God is known as the Trinity as Christians believe in one God. 
                        1. The Resurrection and Salvation
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