Education in South Africa


Education in South Africa
laura orozco
Mapa Mental por laura orozco, actualizado hace más de 1 año
laura orozco
Creado por laura orozco hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Education in South Africa
  1. South Africa has a high-cost, low-performance education system that does not compare favourably with education systems in other African countries, or in similar developing economies.
    1. There is a multitude of well-publicised problems, including a shortage of teachers, underqualified teachers and poor teacher performance.
      1. In the classroom, it is found poor learner standards and results, a lack of classroom discipline and is exacerbated by insufficient resources and inadequate infrastructure.
        1. On a government level, difficulties have been caused by a failure of appropriate inspection and monitoring, and confusion caused by changing curricula without proper communication and training.
          1. All this has lead to massive demoralisation and disillusionment among teachers and a negative and worsening perception of the teaching profession.
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