Iroquois Confedarecy


Mapa Mental sobre Iroquois Confedarecy, creado por Aidan Thompson el 08/12/2016.
Aidan Thompson
Mapa Mental por Aidan Thompson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Aidan Thompson
Creado por Aidan Thompson hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Iroquois Confedarecy
  1. Mohawk was one of the tribes in the cofedarecy
    1. Cayuga was one of the tribes in the cofedarecy
      1. Onondaga was one of the namse of the seven nations
        1. tusgaro was one of the tribes in thet cofedarecy
          1. Oneidawas one of the tribes in the cofedarecy
            1. Seneca was one of the tribes in the cofedarecy
              1. tusgaro was the last native tribe to join the confedaracy in 1772
                1. the mohawk where theprotectors of the easr side
                  1. the senaca where the protector of the west end of the confedaracy
                    1. the onondaga where the keeper of the centeral fire
                      1. all the tribes lived off the land
                        1. the confedaracy was made because the 6 tribes were always fighting
                          1. all the tribes lived in long houses
                            1. cheifes always met under the sacred tree
                              1. when a new child came they would add on to the long house
                                1. the cayuga comes from the word gayogohono witch mean peopole of the swampo
                                  1. the cayuga speak cayuga
                                    1. the three sister to the iracuois was corn,bean and squach
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