Central Dogma


El usuario ha eliminado su información de asignaturas Mapa Mental sobre Central Dogma, creado por Usuario eliminado el 19/12/2016.
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Resumen del Recurso

Central Dogma
  1. Replication
    1. DNA to DNA
      1. Enzyme: DNA polymerase
        1. Template: DNA strand
          1. Semiconservative Replication
            1. one strand acts as template for synthesis of other
          2. Substrates: Primer, dNTPs
            1. Causes of Error
              1. # of copies of genes and chromosomes
                1. New alleles of genes are created - Mutations
                  1. Changes in the DNA sequence of gene (#/order of ATCG)
                    1. Spontaneously due to errors in replication
                      1. Exposure to mutagens
                        1. Example: a-actinin 3
                          1. mutation in gene: premature stop codon so no a actinin 3 is made
                            1. Do better in endurance sports!
                        2. Changes in expression patter: Epigenetics
                      2. Transciption
                        1. DNA to RNA
                          1. Enzyme: RNA polymerase
                            1. Template: DNA coding strand
                              1. substrates: NTP
                              2. Translation
                                1. RNA to Protein
                                  1. Enzyme: Ribosome
                                    1. Template: mRNA
                                      1. Substrates: amino acids, tRNA
                                      2. Gene
                                        1. Fundamental unit of biological information
                                          1. Chemical: part of a long double stranded polymer of DNA
                                          2. Made of
                                            1. Nucleic acids
                                              1. Nucleotides: Base, sugar, phosphate
                                                1. Bases
                                                  1. Purines
                                                    1. Adenine (2)
                                                      1. Guanine (3)
                                                      2. Pyrimidines
                                                        1. Cytosine (3)
                                                          1. Thymine (2)
                                                            1. "y"
                                                          2. Phosphodiester bonds
                                                      3. Genetic variability
                                                        1. differences in DNA bases within a population
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