Pesticide Poisoning Caused Toddler’s Death


Mapa Mental sobre Pesticide Poisoning Caused Toddler’s Death, creado por hamda ali el 21/12/2016.
hamda ali
Mapa Mental por hamda ali, actualizado hace más de 1 año
hamda ali
Creado por hamda ali hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pesticide Poisoning Caused Toddler’s Death
  1. the Nervous System
    1. CNS
      1. PNS
        1. Somatic nervous system (skeletal muscle)
          1. Autonomic nervous system (cardiac and smooth muscle
            1. Sympathetic (fight or flight)
              1. parasympathetic (resting)
            2. requires neurons synapse
              1. forming synaptic cleft
                1. works by neurotransmitters
                  1. both
                    1. Acetylcholine
                      1. Nor epinephrine
                        1. Small-molecule, rapid acting transmitter. Synthesized in pre-synaptic terminal. Mostly excitatory except in heart.
                      2. inhibitory
                        1. Glycine
                          1. GABA
                            1. Serotonin
                              1. Dopamine
                        2. excitatory
                          1. Glutamate
                            1. Aspartate
                              1. Nitric oxide
                  2. Food poisoning
                    1. Symptoms
                      1. Nausea
                        1. Vomiting
                          1. Watery diarrhea
                            1. Abdominal pain and cramps
                              1. Fever (rare)
                              2. Common Causers
                                1. Clostridium botulinum
                                  1. Clostridium perfringens
                                    1. E. Coli
                                      1. Noroviruses
                                        1. Salmonella & Shigella
                                          1. Staph aureus
                                            1. Bacillus cereus
                                2. Risk Factor
                                  1. Pregnant women
                                    1. Elderly weaker immune system
                                      1. Infants and young children immune systems not fully developed
                                        1. People with weakened immune system e.g AIDS & chemotherapy and radiotherapy & NSAIDS and SAIDS
                                  2. Complications
                                    1. Severe dehydration can be fatal
                                  3. The most common household poisons
                                    1. Medicines - Carbon monoxide - Button batteries - Iron pills - Cleaning products -  Nail glue remover and nail primer -  Hydrocarbons- Pesticides - Windshield washer solution and antifreeze - Wild mushrooms - Alcohol - Drain cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners - Topical anesthetics
                                    2. Organophosphate Poisoning
                                      1. Organophosphate uses
                                        1. Insecticides - Herbicides Nerve gas - Anthelmintic drugs - Ophthalmic agents
                                        2. Pathophysiology
                                          1. Effects
                                          2. Emergency management
                                            1. History taken
                                              1. Clinical evaluation
                                                1. Toxicology laboratory
                                                  1. ABC approach
                                                    1. general care
                                                      1. Resuscitiation
                                                      2. Lab investigations
                                                        1. Cholinesterase Tests
                                                          1. RFT
                                                            1. LFT
                                                            2. Autopsy
                                                              1. Types
                                                                1. forensic
                                                                  1. Clinical autopsy
                                                                    1. Academic autopsy
                                                                      1. virtual autopsy
                                                                      2. postmortum examination performed to confirm the cause of death
                                                                      3. Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Poisoning
                                                                        1. Damage to the lungs - Cancer - Damage to the liver- Toxic hepatitis - Damage to the nervous system- Damage to the immune system - Sterility - Birth defects - Damage to hormone-producing glands
                                                                        2. Hemodynamic Monitoring
                                                                          1. The assessment of the Cardiovascular System - Arterial Blood Pressure - Central Venous Pressure - Pulmonary Artery Catheter - Cardiac Output Measurement - Tissue Oxygenation
                                                                          2. Hemodialysis
                                                                            1. Treatment done when the kidney failure- artificial cleaning of the blood
                                                                              1. done to prevent acidosis
                                                                              2. Critical Care
                                                                                1. Admission
                                                                                  1. Method of handling (Quality of Care)
                                                                                    1. Equipment
                                                                                      1. Specialties
                                                                                        1. Discharge
                                                                                2. Medically induced coma
                                                                                  1. deep state of unconsciousness, the brain is able to rest and swelling is more likely to decrease. When swelling is relieved, pressure on the brain also reduces, hopefully preventing some or all brain damage from occurring.
                                                                                  2. psychological effects
                                                                                    1. PTSD
                                                                                      1. marked by increased stress and anxiety following exposure to a traumatic or stressful event
                                                                                      2. Grief
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