Families and households are not
necessairly the same thing
Families make up the majority of households but
there are other types e.g. students or friends living
together or people living only
A family is a type of household where
the people living together are related
1. Nuclear family: two generations
living together
2. Traditional extended family: three or more
generations of the same family living together
or close by
3. Attenuated extended family: nuclear families that
live apart from their extended family, but keep in
regualr contact
4. Lone-parent families: a single parent
and their dependent children
5. Reconstitued families: new stepfamilies
created when parts of two previous families
are brought together
Functionalists see every institution in society as
essential to the smooth running of society
Murdock (1949)
Parsons (1950s)
2. The family stabilises personalities through
the emotional relationship between the
1. Primary socialisation
Some say that the functionalists
ignore the negative aspects of
family life
1. Morgan (1975) points out that
Murdock makes no reference to the
alternative household or to problems
within a family
2. Since the 60s there's
been widespread criticism
that neither Murdock nor
Parsons look at issues of
conflict, class or violence
3, The fact that functionalists overlook
negative aspects of the family life makes
their position look weak
1. Engels (1884) - economic function
2. Zaretsky (1976) - the proletariat have power and
control but when the working man gets home he has
power,, relieving some frustion workers have about their
low status
3. In a capitalist society, a women's role is 'hosuewife'
which makes them more productive
4. The family househild is a
unti with the desire to buy
the goods produced by
capitalist industry
The marxist view is criticised for being too
Focused entirely on benefits to the
economy and benefits to the
working man's boss
Assumes that the
worker is male
No explanation for why the family
flourishes in a non-capitalist or
communist socities
3 main viewpoints
Marxist feminism
See the explotation of
women as essential for
the success of capitalism
Radical feminisim
Highlights housework as an
area of explotation of women
BUT don't see this as a fault of
the capitalist system
Domination of men in society.
Men will always oppress
Liberal feminisim
Emphasise the cultural nors and values which
are reinforced by the family. The family is only
sexists because it supports mainstream
The new right
1. Based on the idea that the traditional
nuclear family and its values are best for
2. Social policies have
undermined the family
3. Charles Murray
(1989) says that
welfare benefits are too
high and create a
'culture of dependency'
4. Particularly concerned
about the welfare benefits
to single mothers
5. The increase in lone-parent and step
families and easier access to divorce
has led to a breakdown in traditional
New right has been criticised
for 'blaming the victim'
Say diversity in family
structure is a good thing
1. Much wder range of living options
2. Judith Stacey (1990) says that there is such a
diversity that there'll never be one dominant type
of family in Western culture again
3. Key thing is the idea that contemporary
living is so flexible that one individual can
experiences lots of different types of family in
one life time
Postmodern theory questions whether this movement through different types of family is all
that typical. O'Brien and Jones (1996) concluded that there was less avriety then Stacey
thought and most people only actually experience one or two types of famiyl in their lifetime