

GCSE Economics Mapa Mental sobre Oligopoly, creado por Javed Hussain el 06/05/2013.
Javed Hussain
Mapa Mental por Javed Hussain, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Javed Hussain
Creado por Javed Hussain hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. market is dominated by a few lrge frms
    1. features
      1. interdependence
        1. e.g i 1 firm invests in TV ads others R likely 2 loose sales
        2. barriers 2 entry
          1. helps firms 2 D average costs and I prfits
            1. new entants R attracted by profits and dominance is reduced
          2. price rigidity
            1. price stays same 4 long time so there wont be price war and a D in sales
              1. if 1 changes price others must follow
              2. non price competition
                1. e.g nectar points
                  1. helps 2 I brand awareness and I sales
                  2. economies of scale
                    1. lrge frms can do this but small cant so moves them away
                    2. collusion
                      1. whre big frms set up agreemnts 2 restrict competiton
                        1. price fixing
                          1. when all firms agree 2 do this
                          2. restirct output
                            1. illeagal in many countries
                          3. advantages
                            1. economies of scale
                              1. decrease in costs can be passed 2 consumr
                              2. price stability
                                1. frms want 2 avoid price war(cos they might make losses) and i 1 does others have 2 keep profits
                                  1. consmrs have cheap prices as a result
                                    1. survivors may also I costs
                                    2. more certinty
                                    3. choice
                                      1. more choice + competition
                                        1. competition
                                          1. new products/brands
                                          2. also 2 niche mrkt
                                          3. I barriers 2 entry
                                          4. disadvantages
                                            1. big threat of a collusion
                                              1. cartel might happen
                                                1. where a group of firms/countries agree on output levels and price in mrkt
                                                2. frms may pay too much attention on competition they will I price
                                                  1. e.g cadbury schweps spent 700 million on advrtisin which increase costs 4 consur
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