Unit 3 CoPs and Tools


Aplicaciones TIC Mapa Mental sobre Unit 3 CoPs and Tools, creado por Jesús Nieto el 08/01/2017.
Jesús  Nieto
Mapa Mental por Jesús Nieto, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jesús  Nieto
Creado por Jesús Nieto hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Unit 3 CoPs and Tools
  1. CoPs for teacher and researchers
    1. Webheads
      1. Elearning
        1. Cued-L
          1. AESLA
            1. AEDEAN
              1. IATEFL-LT SIG
                1. EuroCALL
                2. CoPs for students of foreign languages
                  1. Busuu
                    1. Duolingo
                      1. The Mixxer
                        1. Living Language
                        2. Tools to create CoPs
                          1. Asynchronous Computer Mediated Communication (ACML)
                            1. Blogs
                              1. Blogger
                                1. Wordpress
                                  1. LiveJournal
                                  2. Microblogging
                                    1. Twitter
                                    2. Wikis
                                      1. Wikispaces
                                        1. PhpWIKI
                                          1. PBWorks
                                          2. Social Networks
                                            1. General Matters
                                              1. Facebook
                                                1. Ning
                                                  1. Google Communities
                                                  2. Professional
                                                    1. LinkedIn
                                                      1. Xing
                                                      2. Academic
                                                        1. Research Gate
                                                          1. Academia.edu
                                                      3. Synchronous Computer Mediated Communication (SCML)
                                                        1. Instant Messaging (IM)
                                                          1. The Classics
                                                            1. AOL
                                                              1. ICQ
                                                                1. Yahoo Messenger
                                                                2. Skype
                                                                  1. WhatsApp?
                                                                  2. Multiprotocol IMs
                                                                    1. Trillian
                                                                      1. Digsby
                                                                        1. Pidgin
                                                                        2. Webinars
                                                                          1. Blackboard Collaborate
                                                                            1. Adobe Connect
                                                                              1. AVIP (UNED)
                                                                                1. Google Hangouts
                                                                                  1. Spontania
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                                                                              Web 2.0 and other emergingtechnologies applied to research
                                                                              Pau Alcaraz
                                                                              Bibliographic management applications (BMA)
                                                                              Luísa Aldao
                                                                              Unit 1. Databases and electronic libraries for English Studies
                                                                              Luísa Aldao
                                                                              Unit 1. Databases and electronic libraries for English Studies
                                                                              Bart Verger
                                                                              Unit 2. Bibliographic management applications
                                                                              Luísa Aldao
                                                                              Web 2.0 and other emergingtechnologies applied to research
                                                                              Ris Wan
                                                                              Diferencias entre la Química y Física
                                                                              maya velasquez
                                                                              Árbol genealógico de Zeus
                                                                              LEY 1/2000 ENJUICIAMIENTO CIVIL: "De los procesos matrimoniales y de menores" (II)
                                                                              Miguel Angel del Rio
                                                                              Ulises Yo