Baddeley (1966): The influence of acoustic and semantic similarity on long-term memory


A level (2 Cognitive) Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Baddeley (1966): The influence of acoustic and semantic similarity on long-term memory, creado por Ella Middlemiss el 10/01/2017.
Ella Middlemiss
Mapa Mental por Ella Middlemiss, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ella Middlemiss
Creado por Ella Middlemiss hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Baddeley (1966): The influence of acoustic and semantic similarity on long-term memory
  1. Aim
    1. To determine how long-term memory is affected by semantic and acoustic encoding
    2. Procedure
      1. 3 experiments conducted
        1. Men and women from the Applied Psychology Research Unit Subject Panel
          1. Assigned 1 of 4 list conditions
            1. Independent groups
              1. Lab experiment
              2. Experiment 1
                1. Ppts attempted to learn 1 of 4 lists of 10 words
                  1. Lists were either acoustically or semantically similar or control words of equal frequency
                  2. Lists learned for 4 trials
                    1. After which, the ppts were given a 20 minute digit memory task
                      1. Then asked to recall the word list
                  3. Experiment 3
                    1. 4 lists of 10 words
                      1. List A: 10 acoustically similar words
                        1. List B: 10 acoustically dissimilar words matched in terms of frequency of everyday use to List A(control group)
                          1. List C: 10 semantically similar words
                            1. List D: 10 semantically dissimilar words - matched in terms of frequency of everyday use to List C (control group)
                            2. 4 groups of ppts
                              1. Shown 10 words - 3 seconds each
                                1. Distractor task - 6 tasks involving memory of digits
                                  1. Given words and asked to recall in order in 1 minute
                                    1. Results gathered - evidence for STM
                                      1. Repeat stages 1-4 X 4 - learning trials - LTM
                                        1. 15 minute interference task - copying 8 digit sequences
                                          1. Surprise recall test of 10 words - order
                                            1. Results gathered - evidence for LTM
                              2. Results
                                1. Recall of List A lower than recall of List B - not significant difference
                                  1. No difference for C and D
                                    1. Acoustic encoding was initially difficult
                                      1. But didn't affect long-term recall
                                    2. Recall of List C was 55% accurate and List D was 85% accurate - significant difference
                                      1. No difference for A and B
                                        1. LT recall was a lot worse for semantically similar words than semantically dissimilar words
                                          1. Semantically dissimilar words are unrelated and aren't likely to be mixed up in recall
                                      2. Conclusion
                                        1. Later retest recall of List 3 was impaired compared to all other lists because they were semantically similar
                                          1. Suggesting that LTM is largely but not exclusively semantic
                                          2. Because recall of acoustically similar words were initially more difficult to encode
                                            1. Suggests that STM is largely acoustic
                                          3. Evaluation
                                            1. Strengths
                                              1. Men and women used
                                                1. No gender bias
                                                2. Highly controlled lab experiment
                                                  1. Standardised procedure
                                                    1. timing of visual stimulus
                                                    2. Can be applied to dementia and dyslexia
                                                      1. No order effects (independent groups)
                                                        1. Ethics
                                                          1. No deception
                                                            1. Debriefed
                                                              1. No physical harm
                                                            2. Weaknesses
                                                              1. Small sample
                                                                1. All from USA
                                                                  1. Individual differences
                                                                    1. Low ecological validity
                                                                      1. Unnatural setting
                                                                        1. Tasks required are artificial
                                                                        2. Ethics
                                                                          1. possible embarrasment
                                                                            1. psychological harm
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