Richard Dyers 'star' theory


Mapa Mental sobre Richard Dyers 'star' theory, creado por Latymer Media2015 el 12/01/2017.
Latymer Media2015
Mapa Mental por Latymer Media2015, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Latymer Media2015
Creado por Latymer Media2015 hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Richard Dyers 'star' theory
  1. Pop stars
    1. Pop stars have an identity or persona not restricted to just their music
      1. Pop stars have a publicist in control of their image.
        1. Pop stars have a lasting significance and cultivates brand awareness across a wide market.
        2. Stars are constructed images, a fictional construction.
          1. Industry and Audience
            1. Record labels create a stars image based on what they think the audience wants.
              1. Stars are created by the industry to create money from audiences buying into the artist.
                1. There is a need for variation and originality in order to satisfy younger audiences needs, however this means artists talent can be short lived.
                  1. Whatever the genre or nature of an artist it must always be packaged to appeal to audiences.
                  2. Ideology and Culture
                    1. Stars represent cultural values and attitudes and promote a certain ideology, aritst's promote their beliefs outside their music.
                      1. A star may initiate a fashion trend, with fans copying their clothes or hairstyle.
                        1. Social media is a platform for stars to share their values and opinions outside music.
                        2. Character and Personality
                          1. A star begins as a 'real' human
                            1. The star is transformed into a construction which the audience reads as not entirely fictional.
                              1. Stars can provide people with an idea of what people are supposed to be like and beauty ideals, they are role models for the audience.
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