Radiation: Matt Black - Best absorber and ammitter of radiation. Silver - Best
reflector, worst emitter&absorber, SLG and vaccum. Any body with thermal
Convection: Fluids (gas&liquids) Currents - Hot air/liquid
rises, because it expands when it is hotter
Specific heat Capacity: Energy =mass,specific heat
capacity, delta - change in temperature, sharing energy,
energy to rise the temperature
Specific Latent Heat: Changing of state, SLH of vaperation - the
amount of energy to turn liquid to gas, SLH Fusion - Amount of
vaperation to turn liquid into a solid
Thermometers: Liquid in a glass, Alcohol&mercury, rise falls at delta,
colder= contracts, hotter= expands, digital (temperature), Gas
thermometer, uses resistance in a circuit, which is calebrated to
temperature change
Evaperation/Changing State: The average energy
decreases, faster/more energetic molecules leave in evaperation