
Policy, Geographical Discoveries
Sebastian Bernal
Mapa Mental por Sebastian Bernal, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sebastian Bernal
Creado por Sebastian Bernal hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Instruments of Royale Power
    1. Territorial Unification
      1. Marriage Alliances
      2. Control The State
        1. Bureaucracy
        2. International relations
          1. Creation of a permanent army
            1. Improved Administration
            2. Byzantine Empire Disappeared
              1. Geographical Discoveries
                1. Cristobal Columbus Discovered America
                  1. Cristobal Columbus Wasn´t The First One
                    1. Solutreans, 22.000 BC
                      1. Native Americans Ancesstors 10.000 BC
                        1. Hebrews 600 BC
                          1. Leif Eriksson 1.000 AD
                            1. Zheng He 1.422 AD
                              1. Critobal Columbus 1.492 AD
                2. Reformation
                  1. Lutheran Reformation
                    1. Martin Luther
                    2. Calvinist Reformation
                      1. John Calvin
                      2. Anglican Reformation
                        1. Henry Vlll
                        2. Catholic Counter-Reformation
                          1. The Council of Trent
                            1. The Society of Jesus
                            2. Causes
                              1. Disdain for the papacy and clergy
                                1. The abuses of the Church
                              2. Authoritarian Monarchs
                                1. In Spain
                                  1. Ferdinand And Isabel
                                    1. Charles l
                                  2. England
                                    1. Henry Vlll
                                    2. France
                                      1. Louis Xl
                                    3. Demographic growth
                                      1. Population Increase
                                        1. Peace
                                          1. Improved Harvest
                                            1. Eradication of The Plague
                                              1. Slow
                                                1. Diseases
                                                  1. Lack of Hygiene
                                                    1. Limited Development in Medical Practice
                                                2. Economic Growth
                                                  1. Agrarian Activities
                                                    1. Handicrafts
                                                      1. Guilds
                                                        1. Home working
                                                        2. Trade
                                                          1. America
                                                            1. New Products
                                                            2. Mediterranean
                                                            3. Mercantilism
                                                              1. Banks
                                                                1. Easier System
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                                                            7 Técnicas para Aprender Matemáticas
                                                            maya velasquez
                                                            Causas principales de la Primera Guerra Mundial
                                                            Que compuestos quimicos inorganicos se encuentran en:
                                                            Marcelo Rios Vega
                                                            Novedades: Mapas Mentales de ExamTime
                                                            maya velasquez
                                                            Inglés - Repaso de Preposiciones
                                                            maya velasquez
                                                            Guerra Civil Española: Fechas Clave
                                                            maya velasquez
                                                            Elizabeth Alvare
                                                            Elaboración de mapas mentales
                                                            Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
                                                            Israel Morales
                                                            PARTES O ESTRUCTURA DE LA CÉLULA
                                                            Luis Vélez Zamora