Hitlers Foreign Policy - 1933-1939


History Mapa Mental sobre Hitlers Foreign Policy - 1933-1939, creado por b-jane-williams el 14/04/2014.
Mapa Mental por b-jane-williams, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por b-jane-williams hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Hitlers Foreign Policy - 1933-1939
  1. To make Germany Great
    1. 1933 - Hitler become to power
      1. Rebuilt army, Destory TOV, Left LON (1933), Joined (1926),
        1. Left LON because disarmament conference (1932)
          1. France refused to disarm. G leaves and rearms.
            1. 1935 - conscription
              1. Forced to gain G army, Stresa Front - Italy, Britain and France. To stop G from rearming.
    2. Unite all G speaking people
      1. 6-7 million people
        1. Anschluss
          1. Union denied by TOV
      2. Living space
        1. Lenbensraum Sudentenland (3 million)
          1. Saar - LON - 15 years given a vote
            1. Poland (Polish Corridor)
              1. Czech (Greed) 13% (17,500km) Plebiscite
                1. Hitler wants to expand east
        2. Rhineland - 17th March 1936
          1. Background: Rhineland is Germanys. Rhineland is G back garden. It was demilitarised by TOV. G singed a 25 year Non-Agression pact and Locarno Pact to prevent war.
            1. Hitler invaded the Rhineland
              1. Reaction: LON condemned G. Only Russia wanted to enforce sanction (didnt happen).
                1. Why: B+F distracted by Abysinnia Crisis (1935) with Italy. G owned Rhineland.
                  1. Aftermaths: Hitler has a vote, 99% agree with Hitler's action.
            2. 1934 - 10 Year Non-agression pact with Poland
              1. Aim- guarette the border with Poland (Polish Corridor after TOV)
                1. Why? Give Poland false sense of sense of security
                  1. Who did it? B + P
              2. 1934 - Failed Anschluss
                1. Hitler encouraged Nazi Party in Austria to rebel. Death of Chancellor Dollfuss but Mussolini placed his forces on Austrian border to stop G.
                  1. Conseqences - Hitler backed down
                2. 1935 - Anglo-G Naval agreement
                  1. Germany, Britain and France
                    1. G can have 35% of the size of B fleet (No subs included)
                      1. Direct violation of Stressa front and TOV
                        1. By 1938 G had 2,000 aircraft 800,000 soldiers, 47 U-Boats
                  2. 1935 - Return of the Saar
                    1. Saar belonged to LON for 15years
                      1. People given a vote after 15 Years
                        1. 8% - LON 2% - F 90% - G
                          1. Consequences - Saar returned to G
                    2. Results of Remiltarisation
                      1. Hitler destroyed TOV
                        1. Hitler was strengthend
                          1. Signed Rome - Berlin axis with Mussolini
                        2. Could we have stopped Hitler?
                          1. French Army stronger
                            1. Sanctions would cripple G
                        3. 1935 - Sudetenland
                          1. Nazi rebellion is Sudetenland - Henlein
                            1. Why - 3 million G in Sud. Raw materials and well furtified. Henelien is supported by Hitler
                              1. 15th Sept 1938 Chamberlain flew in G. Hitler tells chamberlain he wants Sud after a Vote
                                1. Chamberlain convinces B+F+Czech. Czech flew back to G. Mussolini surprised and asks for all of Sud without vote. C flew back to B and rearms. C receives role from Hitler inviting him to Munich Conference
                          2. 1938 - Anschluss
                            1. Events - Nazi rebellion in Austria
                              1. Chancellor: Schushnigg
                                1. Nazi Leader: Seyss - Inquart
                                2. Hitler refused to help the chancellor when he asked for help to put down/stop rebellion
                                  1. Hitler asked Chancellor to make Seyss-Inquart Minister of the Interior Police
                                    1. Chancellor say he will hold a vote in Austria to ask the people if they wont be Austria or G
                                      1. Hitler moves his troops to A border
                                        1. Chancellor - resigns
                                          1. Seystrquart - New Czech, invites Hitler Germany in to Austria
                                            1. 80,000 - in concentration camps
                                              1. B + F protest but do nothing
                                3. The effects of Hitlers takeover of Czech
                                  1. No G speaking people in Czech
                                    1. Marked end of Appeasement
                                      1. H proved Chamberlian could not be trusted
                                        1. Lithuania was forced t surrender the province of Memel
                                          1. B didnt' help Czech
                                            1. Mussolini is Hitlers Allie
                                              1. B guaranteed the independence of Romania and Greece
                                                1. Conscription was introduced into Britain during peace time
                                                  1. Hitlers strengthened his relationship with Mussolini by signing the Pact of Steel
                                                    1. Pact of Steel, May 1939
                                                      1. Hitler and Mussolini signed a Pact of Steel in which they promised to act side by side in future events.
                                                    2. Hitler withdrew G's Non-Agression Pact of 1934 with Poland and The Anglo - G Naval AgreemeNt of 1935
                                                    3. Role of USSR
                                                      1. April 1939 - B + F. Signed pact with Poland to guarantee border from G
                                                        1. B + F asked R for help
                                                          1. P is afraid of G + R
                                                            1. R signed Nazi Soviet Pact with G
                                                              1. 1939 - Nazi Soviet Pact
                                                                1. 23rd August 1939
                                                                  1. 1937 - G, I and Japan
                                                                    1. Against Communism (Pact)
                                                                      1. Divided Poland in to 2
                                                                        1. Avoid a war on 2 fronts
                                                                          1. G had asked P for DanZig back (LON)
                                                                            1. 1st Sept - G Invaded P
                                                                              1. 3rd Sept - B declares war
                                                                          2. Appeasement - giving Hitler what he wants within reason 1919-1939
                                                                            1. For
                                                                              1. Feeling that G has genuine grievances that could be solved
                                                                                1. Britain want to avoid another war
                                                                                  1. Britain couldn't afford rearmament
                                                                                    1. Collapse of LON - Someone had to keep peace
                                                                                      1. British feared comminists
                                                                                      2. Against
                                                                                        1. Hitler couldn't be trusted
                                                                                          1. Made Britain look weak - gave Hitler confidence
                                                                                            1. Betraying lands that were protected by TOV
                                                                                              1. Hitler - increase and strengthen power
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