Craik and Tulving (1975)- LOP Experiment


A-level- Edexcel Psychology
Mapa Mental por jess.courtney13, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jess.courtney13 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Craik and Tulving (1975)- LOP Experiment
  1. AIM
    1. 1) To identify whether semantic processing leads to better recall and recognition
      1. Meaning VS Sound+ Appearance
        1. To test the Levels of Processing Framework
        2. 2) To see if deeper processing means a longer time processing
        3. METHOD
          1. Lab Experiment
            1. 24 Participants
              1. Repeated Measures
              2. 3 Conditions
                1. Phonetic
                  1. Sound- Intermediate Processing
                  2. Semantic
                    1. Meaning- Deepest Processing
                    2. Structural
                      1. Appearance- Shallowest Processing
                  3. PROCEDURE
                    1. 1) Participants were shown 60 words via a TACHISTOSCOPE
                      1. 2) Then they were asked a series of questions about the word
                        1. All 3 types of processing
                        2. Were then asked to recognise the words from a list of 180
                          1. Original 60+120 new words
                        3. QUESTIONS
                          1. STRUCTURAL
                            1. Is the word in capital letters?
                            2. PHOENETIC
                              1. Does dog rhyme with hog?
                              2. SEMANTIC
                                1. Does a dog have two legs?
                              3. RESULTS
                                1. Semantically processed= 65%
                                  1. Phonetically Processed= 36
                                    1. Structurally Processed= 17%
                                    2. CONCLUSION
                                      1. Greater recall of words processed semantically
                                        1. Therefore deeper processing led to improved recognition
                                          1. SUPPORTS LOP THEORY
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