Whole Language


ready to use in a elt methodology class
Stefany Barrera
Mapa Mental por Stefany Barrera, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Stefany Barrera
Creado por Stefany Barrera hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Whole Language
  1. Background
    1. In United States
      1. On 1980´s
        1. Created to help young children learn to read
          1. It is a theorical instructional teaching process
        2. American's eduacators
        3. Theory of Language
          1. Language is a whole
            1. A person creates mental skills to develop language
            2. Theory of Learning
              1. students create knowledge through reading and comprehension
                1. Grammar
                  1. Expresions
                2. Reading Process (stages)
                  1. Methodology
                    1. Constructivism
                      1. Teacher's role
                        1. facilitator
                          1. guide
                          2. Leraner's role
                            1. collaborators
                              1. evaluators
                                1. selectors
                            2. Syllabus
                              1. Based on real situations
                                1. what the student's needs to comunicate
                                2. Material and Resources
                                  1. Newspapers
                                    1. Literature Books
                                      1. Letters
                                        1. Signal and symbols
                                        2. Activities
                                          1. Are focus on reading and writing skills
                                            1. For Example:
                                              1. reading: literature
                                                1. writing: portfolios, books, conferences
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                                            Inglés - Vocabulario Básico
                                            maya velasquez
                                            Teorema de Pitágoras
                                            Test de Matemáticas
                                            Diego Santos
                                            El Relieve de España
                                            Remei Gomez Gracia
                                            LA EDAD MEDIA - EDUpunto.com
                                            EDUpunto Por: Ernesto De Frías
                                            La Ética según Aristóteles
                                            Diego Santos
                                            Test del Plan de Estudios 2011
                                            Jose Martin Ortiz Perez
                                            Poniendo en Práctica el Aula Invertida (The Flipped Classroom)
                                            Diego Santos
                                            Semitono diatónico, cromático, unísono y notas enarmónicas
                                            almudena lm
                                            MOVILIDAD HUMANA
                                            shecsid1 .LOOR
                                            Servicios Médicos: Funcionamiento
                                            Diego Santos