A Levels (Traditional Arguments for the Existence of God) Philosophy AS Mapa Mental sobre Ontological Argument, creado por katie.browell el 18/04/2014.
Ontology - The study of the nature, charateristics and defintion of something
Ontological Argument - By studying the definition of God, His existence can be proved
(More of a demonstration rather than 'proof' of Gods existence)
A statement that is true by definition
eg. Bachelors are unmarried men
A statement that takes one or more premise to draw a logical conlusion
eg. Bachelors are unmarried men. Bill is an unmarried man. Bill is a bachelor.
Anselm's First Argument
His aim was to demonstrate the existence of God to the 'fools' who did
not believe His existence. He believed he could construct an argument
that would prove it is impossible to state that God cannot exist.
Psalms14:1 'Fools say in their hearts "There is no God."'
God is the greatest thing that can be thought of
God may exist in the mind or in reality as well
Something which exists in realitiy and in the mind is
greater than something that exists in the mind alone
So if there is nothing greater than God, he must exist in
realitiy, as well as the mind
Gaunilo's criticism
Gaunilo believed in God's exist but believed
that Anselm's argument was illogical
The purpose of Anselm's argument seemed to be to
define God into existence. However this is impossible as
how can you move into existence in reality from the mind?
Perfect Island Criticism
The most perfect island exists in the mind
Because it is most perfect it must exist within the mind and realitiy
Therefore the perfect island must exist
Gaunilo tried to demonstrate the illogical nature of
Anselms argument with his perfect island arguement
Anselm's Second Argument
Anselm responded to Gaunilo by stating that you cannot compare God to
anything as God is necessary by definition, while all else is contingent
He argued that his argument was not intended to prove the existence of
contingent things, but is only applicable to the great, perfect, necessary God.
Descartes Argument
Demonstrating the existence of God is not about truth or
falsehood, but showing the reason to never doubt God
Descartes definition - God is the supremely perfect being
Due to Gods perfection he possesses all perfections - which include being eterneral and existence
Descartes believed that existence is perfection itself. Existence is a predicate of a perfect being.
Predicates of something are included in the subject you are talking about
The predicate of being a widow is that your husband has died - this
is part of the nature of being a widow. Therefore would would not
state that Mrs Smith is a widow who's husband has died
God is a supremely perfect being
A quality of perfection is existence
Therefore God exists
eg. You cannot think of a triangle
without three sides, they are
inseparable from the triangle
Therefore existence is an essential part of what God is
Kant's Critisms
The 'two type of statement' argument
To reject the three sides of the Triangle is contradictory, but there is no problem with rejecting the whole triangle
Therefore if you can accept God and then reject his necessary existence is contradictory
- However you can reject the entire concept of God and his characteristics
Existence is not a predicate
Kant rejects the use of existence as a predicate - he rejects existence as describing something that exists
When we add existence to a concept it does not add any more understanding or description
Kant concluded that if God' necessary existnce is an analytical statement then it is a definition that tells us
nothing about whether he actually exists. Ruling the Ontological Argument pointless
Gottlob Frege
Distinguishes between 'first' and 'second' order predicates
First order predicates tell us about the nature of something
eg The horses are brown
Second order predicates tell us about concepts of something
eg the horses are numerous
Anselm and Descartes seem to use existence
as a first order predicate when it is second
Bertrand Russell
Anselm uses the word 'exist' incorrectly
Existence cannot be a predicate, if it were we could contruct the following argument
Men exist. Santa Claus is a man. Therefore, Santa Claus exists.
Evaluation of Critisms
Ontological Argument is not based on evidence or experience, which makes it seem a weak argument to some.
Is Kant correct to state that existence is not a predicate?
eg. because we can think of a Yeti and its qualities. When we
have actual evidence that it exists, it does add to the idea of a
Yeti as it adds existence. Kant states that existence does not add
anything to the descirption of something - but when considering
something not proved to exist, this clearly does have an effect.
Modern Responses
Norman Malcom
Anselms Second argument was good, as necessary existence cannot be affected by anything - it cannot be altered
If God does not exist he cannot be bought into existence, so his
existence is impossible. Nor can he cease to exist if he does exist.
If God is necessary it is illogical to
say that He does not exist
Iris Murdoch
Although Anslems logic seems flawed he was pointing to a reason beyond human reasoning. From
his failure we can see how transendent God is, as He is so beyond this world and our reasoning
Gareth Moore
He compaired God to the equator - no one claims that it does not exist,
however there is not a physical line across the world that he can see