Fracture in the arm


Mapa Mental sobre Fracture in the arm, creado por Maies Salah el 20/02/2017.
Maies Salah
Mapa Mental por Maies Salah, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maies Salah
Creado por Maies Salah hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Fracture in the arm
  1. Anatomy of the arm
    1. Arm skeleton
      1. Head
        1. Shaft
          1. Medial and lateral epicondyle
            1. Neck
            2. Elbow region
              1. Olecranon fossa
                1. Trochlea
                  1. Capitulum
                    1. Conoid & Radial fossa
                    2. Compartments
                      1. Anterior
                        1. Biceps
                          1. Coracobrachialis
                            1. Brachialis
                            2. Posterior
                              1. Triceps
                          2. Nerves of the arm
                            1. Median N.
                              1. Ulnar N.
                                1. Musculocutaneous
                                  1. Radial N.
                                    1. Brachial Plexus
                                      1. Deformities to nerves
                                        1. Axillary: Flat shoulder Radial: Wrist/Finger drop Unlar: Klumpkes paralysis Median: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - MC: Paralysis of all muscles of anterioir compartment
                                        2. Divided into:
                                          1. Roots
                                            1. Trunks
                                              1. Divisions
                                                1. Cords
                                                  1. Branches
                                              2. Axillary N.
                                              3. Bone
                                                1. Types
                                                  1. Osteoblasts
                                                    1. For bone growth
                                                    2. Osteoprogenitor cells
                                                      1. To make osteocytes
                                                      2. Osteoclasts
                                                        1. For bone resorption
                                                      3. Bone matrix
                                                        1. Organic: Osteod
                                                          1. Inorganic: calcified
                                                          2. Fractures
                                                            1. Happens when the bone is twisted, compressed or struck by great force
                                                              1. Open
                                                                1. Closed
                                                                  1. Types
                                                                    1. Linear
                                                                      1. Transverse
                                                                        1. Oblique
                                                                          1. Comminuted
                                                                            1. Spiral
                                                                            2. Treatment
                                                                              1. Operative
                                                                                1. Reduction followed by casting or splinting
                                                                                  1. It is to restore a fracture or a dislocation tto correct alignment
                                                                                2. Non-operative
                                                                                  1. Physiotherapy
                                                                            3. Physical Examination
                                                                              1. Look
                                                                                1. Move
                                                                                  1. Active
                                                                                    1. Passive
                                                                                    2. Feel
                                                                                      1. Examination
                                                                                      2. Radiological Imaging
                                                                                        1. CT scan
                                                                                          1. Ultrasound
                                                                                            1. MRI
                                                                                              1. X-RAY
                                                                                              2. First Aid
                                                                                                1. Immobilize area
                                                                                                  1. Stop bleeding if any
                                                                                                    1. Ice packs
                                                                                                    2. Classical Conditioning
                                                                                                      1. Exposure therapy
                                                                                                        1. exposure of patient to feared object with no danger
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