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Progressive Era
Sin etiquetas
10th grade
Mapa Mental por
Perkins Carden
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Perkins Carden
hace alrededor de 8 años
Resumen del Recurso
Progressive Era
Working Conditions- Workers often had to work long hours for little pay
Women's rights- suffrage movements began in 1848, first convention in NY
Jacob Riis- Danish American social reformer and "muckracking" journalist
Immigrant living conditions- lived in overcrowded cities working jobs americans wouldn't take.
Upton Sinclair- American writer who wrote over 100 books
Racial discrimination- African Americans faced discrimination
Meat Inspection act- Made sure meat was processed in sanitary conditions
National Wildlife Refugees- areas protected by the federal government
Jane Adams- known as the mother of social work
Teddy Roosevelt- Became 26th president after assassination of McKinley
Booker T Washington- American educator, orator, and advisor to several presidents
Tuskegee institution- Historically black college founded by George Washington Carver
John Muir- Scottish American nationalist author
Hull House- Settlement house in the US founded in 1889 by Jane Adams
Sherman antitrust act- promotes competition by outlawing unfair modes of competition
Big Business- The government intervened in the economy and set up regulations
Environmentalism- conservationists called for federal regulation of resources
William Howard Taft- 27th president of US
Woodrow Wilson- 28th president of US
19th amendment- Gave women right to vote
NAACP- founded in 1909 for advancement of colored people
Alex Pansul- American suffragist
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