Trade and Town Life in Anglo Saxon England


(Anglo-Saxon England Revision) Mapa Mental sobre Trade and Town Life in Anglo Saxon England, creado por bsteer123 el 08/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por bsteer123, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por bsteer123 hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Trade and Town Life in Anglo Saxon England
  1. Trade
    1. 2 most important commodities
      1. Salt
        1. Used to preserve meat and fish
        2. Metals
          1. Used to make essential tools
      2. Salt
        1. Obtained from saltpans, coastal areas
          1. 285 saltpans in Sussex
            1. Salt Districts - Worcestershire and Cheshire
              1. 2/3 of toll (tax) went to King
                1. 1/3 to Earl
                  1. Payment varied
                    1. 4p on cart drawn by oxen
                      1. 2p on horse-load
                  2. Iron
                    1. Traded all over country
                      1. Made into fishhooks and tools
                        1. Small scale
                          1. Kent, Sussex, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Forest of Dean
                        2. Early Times
                          1. Specialisation in production of finer goods
                            1. Ornamental Helmets
                              1. Inlaid swords
                            2. Ordinary smith
                              1. Spear heads
                                1. Shield rims
                              2. Lead
                                1. Sources
                                  1. Derbyshire
                                    1. Wirksworth
                                      1. Annual render - 300 shillings
                                  2. Luxuries
                                    1. Walrus Ivory = Arctic
                                      1. Elephant Ivory = Africa
                                        1. Elaborate Jewellery = Kent
                                          1. Glassware = Rhineland
                                            1. Silk = China
                                            2. Exports
                                              1. Cloaks
                                                1. Wool
                                                  1. Cloth
                                                    1. Cheese
                                                      1. Slaves
                                                      2. Stone
                                                        1. Quarries = Sussex
                                                          1. Roman Site of Cambridge
                                                            1. Annual values
                                                              1. 10p to 4 shillings
                                                            2. Kings
                                                              1. Church doesn't trade on Sundays
                                                                1. Weights and measures the same at all locations
                                                                  1. May forbid exports of certain goods
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