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Who owns the ice house? (Chapter 5 & Lesson 5)
Mapa Mental sobre Who owns the ice house? (Chapter 5 & Lesson 5), creado por Nazdira Cerda el 27/02/2017.
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Mapa Mental por
Nazdira Cerda
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Nazdira Cerda
hace alrededor de 8 años
Resumen del Recurso
Who owns the ice house? (Chapter 5 & Lesson 5)
Being resourceful
Resourcefulness is the ability to overcome difficulties and solve problems using the resources you have available.
An entrepreneurial mindset is resourceful
The key of becoming resourceful is having goals.
They have a "can do" attitude combined with the determination to start where they are.
Uncle Cleve was a man with a resourceful mindset that empowered him to make the most of what he had.
We do not need lot of resources that we do not have, we need to start with what we already have
Investing vs. Spending resources
Entrepreneurs invest resources
Cleve used to be very careful in how he was spending and investing his resources
Entrepreneurs do not spend resources
Independent, Yet willing to ask for help
Resourceful people are able to find solutions by their own
Entrepreneurs realize that bold independence is only parto of a resourceful mindset.
Resourceful people recognise that they need support and knowledge from others
Cliff recognised that even when he must have to find solution to his problem by his own, he needs other people to support him and share his ideas.
Time as a resource
Entrepreneurs realize that time is a precious resource not to be wasted
Uncle Cleve was judicious in how he spent his time
We must organise and invest our time
People as a resource
Mentoring: People with a growth mindset are willing to help others grow.
Asking for help: We need the advice and knowledge of others
People are resource that can help us to achieve our goals
Entrepreneurs prioritize building relationships and interpersonal networks
They need to maintain relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, and even competitors .
Cleve was very careful about those with whom he associated
Money as a resource
Money vs. Wealth
Money: What we use to buy things
Managing money is a skill we gain through study and practice
Income: "The money that comes in"
Expense: The money we spend to maintain a lifestyle or operate business
Asset: Something you own that has monetary value
Liability: Debts or the amount of money you own
Equity: The total value of your assets minus the total amount of liabilities.
Credit can be a helpful tool when used correctly
Cleve was judicious in how he spent his money
Wealth: Accumulation of material things
For Uncle Cleve was a type of freedom because he was able to pursue his interests.
Cleve was not motivated by a desire to appear wealthy
For many individuals, wealth brings a sense of security
The motivation to become wealthy is different from the motivation to appear wealthy
In many cases, our desire for social status among our peers is at odds with our desire for freedom
When we understand the difference between spending and investing we are able to use money as a resource
Waiting for the dividends
Even when we invest all our resources, dividends are rarely inmediate
We have to be patient and control our desire for instantaneous results
Uncle Cleve was patient with the results of his ideas because he knows that dividends are not inmediate
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