4a Software based training methods


A level, A2 (Chapter 4) IT Mapa Mental sobre 4a Software based training methods, creado por Gladys Mba el 02/03/2017.
Gladys Mba
Mapa Mental por Gladys Mba, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Gladys Mba
Creado por Gladys Mba hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

4a Software based training methods
  1. Computer Based Training (CBT)
    1. Methods that use software to train people. Can be used to trading for computer based or non-computer based tasks.
      1. Features
        1. Interative Quizzes
          1. Logon with user ID and password
            1. Pre-assessment to see what person already knows
              1. O- Don't have to complete modules they already know.
              2. Target and assignment setting
                1. O- User/ Tutor can define the learning path
              3. Advantages
                1. O- Software can track individual's progress
                  1. O-Feedback sent to trainee and tutor
                    1. O- Can return to the place they stopped the training
                      1. O- Can find strengths and weaknesses
                      2. O- Trainees can work at own pace, wherever the software is
                        1. O- Tutor doesn't need to plan learning material and assessments are automatically marked
                          1. X- Tutor may have to rely on inadequate material
                            1. X- Certain assessments can't be marked by computers
                          2. Examples
                            1. E.g practicing driving test theory
                              1. First aid emergency stimulation
                                1. Health and safety
                                  1. Teacher/Counselor training
                                    1. Child protection training
                                2. Online Tutorials
                                  1. Step by step articles usually numbered so user can follow order
                                    1. Breaks down large task into smaller, easier tasks
                                    2. Usually include multi-media elements to show users how to complete a task
                                      1. E.G. Video tutorials
                                        1. E.G pictures such as screenshots or diagrams
                                        2. Advantages
                                          1. O- Multimedia elements can give more detailed explanations and demonstrate task
                                            1. O- Videos can be more stimulating than plane text and images
                                              1. O- Can pause video or stop tutorial and work at own pace
                                                1. O- Can be done in user's time
                                                2. Disadvantages
                                                  1. X- Need internet/ computer
                                                    1. X- Trainees need to be motivated with no tutor
                                                      1. X- May not have access to tutor when needed
                                                        1. X- Style of CBT may be monotonous
                                                          1. X- May have to go through a whole module/video/list just to learn one thing => Frustration
                                                            1. X- Need IT skills
                                                              1. X- Multi-media tutorials take a long time to produce so may become out-of-date soon after being published
                                                                1. X- Not all skills can be learnt online. Learners need additional support from elsewhere.
                                                                  1. X- Trainees may skip through material and not learn deeply.
                                                                2. Video conferencing
                                                                  1. Used to connect teachers and students remote from each other through video and audio.
                                                                    1. Needs equipment such as camera, microphone, screen and speakers.
                                                                      1. Advantages
                                                                        1. O-Can gain access of expert international tutors
                                                                          1. O- Groups of learners can collaborate together/ spilt cost of equipment
                                                                            1. O- No travel costs
                                                                              1. O- Tutors can find audience of students interested in a niche subject due to worldwide costumer-base
                                                                              2. Disadvantages
                                                                                1. X- Requires a high bandwidth for real-time experience
                                                                                  1. X- Equipment may be expensive and maybe prone to errors
                                                                                    1. X- May be difficult for tutor to video conference multiple trainees and answer all questions
                                                                                      1. X- Quality of video and audio my make it difficult to see diagrams on board or hear people not close to the microphone.
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