Crude Oil double award revision


Revision diagram for crude oil and alkanes
Jennie Wilding
Mapa Mental por Jennie Wilding, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jennie Wilding
Creado por Jennie Wilding hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Crude Oil double award revision
  1. mixture of hydrocarbons
    1. compound containing ONLY c & H atoms
      1. Alkanes
        1. saturated
          1. only single bonds between C atoms
          2. CnH2n+2
            1. react with bromine
              1. needs UV light
                1. substitution reaction
                  1. CH4 + Br2 - CH3Br
                  2. combustion
                    1. reaction with oxygen
                      1. forms carbon dioxide & water
                        1. limited combustion if not enough oxygen
                          1. forms carbon monoxide & water
                            1. poisonous as reduces capacity of blood to carry oxygen
                        2. homologous series
                          1. methane
                            1. CH4
                            2. ethane
                              1. C2H6
                              2. propane
                                1. C3H8
                                2. butane
                                  1. C4H10
                                  2. pentane
                                    1. C5H12
                              3. made up of different sized molecules
                                1. separated using fractional distillation
                                  1. small molecules have low bpt; large molecules have high bpt
                                    1. takes place in fractionating tower
                                      1. tower hotter at bottom, cooler at top
                                        1. smaller molecules formed at top of tower, larger at bottom
                                        2. separated into fractions
                                          1. bitumen
                                            1. making roads
                                              1. highest bpt & most viscous
                                            2. diesel oil
                                              1. fuel for lorries
                                              2. kerosene
                                                1. fuel for planes
                                                2. gasoline
                                                  1. fuel for cars
                                                  2. refinery gases
                                                    1. camping gas
                                                      1. lowest bpt & least visous
                                                    2. Cracking of fractions
                                                      1. long chain alkanes converted to shorter chain alkanes
                                                        1. better fuels
                                                          1. alkenes are also produced
                                                          2. 600-700C
                                                            1. aluminium oxide catalyst
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