Histology of Heart and Blood Vessels


Degree CVS1 Mapa Mental sobre Histology of Heart and Blood Vessels, creado por Hannah Tribe el 27/04/2014.
Hannah Tribe
Mapa Mental por Hannah Tribe, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hannah Tribe
Creado por Hannah Tribe hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Histology of Heart and Blood Vessels
  1. Vessels
    1. Tunica adventitia
      1. connective tissue
        1. In contact with ECF
          1. Gives support


            • important to maintain shape
          2. Tunica media
            1. smooth muscle
              1. allows tone


                • gives elasticity and contractility
                1. regulates blood pressure
                  1. thicker in arteries


                    • thickest in aorta and pulmonary arteries - lots of elastic lamellae to stretch and recoil in response to pulse
                    1. elastic lamellae


                      • look dark under a microscope
                      1. Dissecting aneurism of aorta


                        • blood enters t. media due to wall rupture
                      2. Tunica intima
                        1. endothelium
                          1. collagen
                            1. in contact with blood
                              1. selectively permeable
                                1. makes mediators of inflammation and tone
                                  1. Regulates adhesion of platelets
                                2. Muscular artieries


                                  • e.g. carotid, iliac,brachial
                                  1. distribute blood
                                    1. not elastic
                                      1. contractile
                                        1. regulate flow
                                          1. regulate pressure
                                          2. Lots of collagen in adventita
                                            1. layer of elastic lamina between media/intima and media/adventitia
                                            2. Arterioles
                                              1. microscopic
                                                1. regulate flow
                                                  1. regulate pressure
                                                  2. Capillaries
                                                    1. mainly endothelial cells
                                                      1. exchange
                                                        1. Continuous
                                                          1. NO gaps in walls
                                                          2. Fenestrated
                                                            1. pores
                                                            2. Sinusoids


                                                              • in liver and spleen
                                                              1. WIDE fenestrations
                                                            3. Veins/venules
                                                              1. thin/flexible walls
                                                                1. more prominent adventitia
                                                                  1. thin/no t.media
                                                                    1. valves
                                                                      1. longitudinal smooth muscle between valves


                                                                        • assists flow against gravity
                                                                      2. Heart
                                                                        1. pumps blood
                                                                          1. regulates BP
                                                                            1. secretes ANP


                                                                              • atrial natriuretic peptide
                                                                              1. stimulated by over stretched atria
                                                                                1. Increases water and sodium uptake to urine


                                                                                  • = lowers blood volume
                                                                              2. valves
                                                                                1. elastic fibres
                                                                                  1. collagen
                                                                                  2. Epicardium


                                                                                    • (visceral pericardium)
                                                                                    1. fatty, loose connective tissue
                                                                                      1. nerves
                                                                                        1. vessels
                                                                                          1. coronary arteries
                                                                                            1. mesothelium
                                                                                              1. simple cuboidal
                                                                                                1. adipose tissue
                                                                                            2. Myocardium
                                                                                              1. part which contracts
                                                                                              2. Endocardium
                                                                                                1. endothelium
                                                                                                  1. loose connective tissue
                                                                                                    1. lots of Purkinje fibres
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