Characters Mindmap Billy Elliot


Mapa Mental sobre Characters Mindmap Billy Elliot, creado por Yvonne Ettenauer el 07/03/2017.
Yvonne Ettenauer
Mapa Mental por Yvonne Ettenauer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Yvonne Ettenauer
Creado por Yvonne Ettenauer hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Characters Mindmap Billy Elliot
  1. Nan
    1. Billy grandmother
      1. She 80 years
        1. loved dancing
        2. Billy Elliot
          1. Is 12 years old
            1. lives in Everington with his dad,brother,and nan
              1. His mother died two years ago
                1. loves Music and dancing
                2. Tony Elliot
                  1. Billy's Brother
                    1. Is 20 years old
                      1. miner and striker
                        1. hates Police and the scabs
                        2. Michael
                          1. Billy's best friend
                          2. Billy's mother
                            1. died or two years ago
                            2. Mrs Wilkinson/Miss
                              1. Billy's ballet teacher
                                1. lives her husband and daughter Debbie
                                  1. teacher ballet at the Social
                                    1. The Girl nd Billy call her Miss
                                    2. Jackie Elliot
                                      1. Billy's dad
                                        1. He's a miner
                                          1. He's on strike
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                                          VOCABULARY-Lesson 1-FCE Result
                                          La Guerra Civil Española
                                          maya velasquez
                                          EL SIGLO XVIII EN ESPAÑA: LA MONARQUÍA BORBÓNICA
                                          maya velasquez
                                          Diego Santos
                                          Mapa conceptual
                                          Daniela Trujillo5510
                                          Integración del Personal
                                          Freddy López8597
                                          ESPAÑOL ~ INGLÉS
                                          Ulises Yo
                                          TECNICAS DE VENTAS
                                          Mireya Meza Leal
                                          CLASIFICACIÓN DE TEXTO : Tipos de texto
                                          Paula Andrea Cabeza Nova