Period 7


11th grade US History Mapa Mental sobre Period 7, creado por Phoebe Jones el 07/03/2017.
Phoebe Jones
Mapa Mental por Phoebe Jones, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Phoebe Jones
Creado por Phoebe Jones hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Period 7
  1. U.S. Diplomacy
    1. U.S. sets eyes on the Pacific and Asia
      1. Treaty Wanghsia 1858 opens U.S. ports in China
        1. W. McKinley found Open Door policy for China that stated as long as Europeans respected boundaries, they could trade freely
          1. Boxer rebellion: Chinese nationalists rebel against white people
            1. unites Europeans and U.S.
        2. Treaty of Kanagawa 1854 gradually opens up Japanese interest
          1. U.S. expands in Pacific do to expanding navy (A.T. Mahan)
            1. U.S. acquires Hawaii to form naval base
            2. The Philippines
              1. unorganized territory and non-citizens
            3. U.S. involved in New Imperialism
              1. economic competition
                1. Social Darwinism and white man's burden
                  1. Josiah Strong "Our Country" enforces Anglo-Saxon superiority
                  2. part of national honor
                    1. Altruism
                      1. Platinum Amendment
                        1. granted Americans right to interfere in foreign affairs
                          1. creates resentment and tension
                      2. The Spanish-American War
                        1. U.S. interest in Spanish-ruled Cuba
                          1. U.S. allies with Cubans in their rebellion in 1895
                            1. De Lome Letter and U.S.S. Maine excerbates conflict --> war
                              1. ends in U.S. victory and Teller amendment in which U.S. acquires Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam
                        2. South America
                          1. Puerto Rico
                            1. Jones Act grants them citizenship of U.S.
                            2. Cuba
                              1. yellow fever breaks out and controlled by U.S.
                          2. Progressivism
                            1. Govt. + evolution = progress
                              1. wanted lower class to have a more direct say in govt.
                                1. politically motivated journalists (muckrakerS)
                                  1. Jacob Riis "How the Other Half Lives"
                                  2. Social Justice
                                    1. regulate women's labor hours and child labor restrictions
                                      1. regulation and safety
                                        1. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire 1911
                                        2. 16th Amendment
                                          1. gradual income tax makes rich pay
                                          2. prohibition
                                          3. regulation of big business
                                            1. Sherman Anti-trust act of 1890 breaks up monopolies from 1900-1920
                                            2. conservation
                                              1. national forests and national parks (transcendentalism)
                                              2. city reform including eugenics and sterilization of insane
                                              3. The Progressive Presidents
                                                1. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
                                                  1. Square Deal 1904
                                                    1. conservation
                                                      1. regulate big business
                                                        1. foods safety and regulation
                                                        2. Diplomacy
                                                          1. bigger navy (Great White fleet)
                                                            1. Roosevelt Corollary
                                                              1. modification of Monroe Doctrine that declares U.S. right to intervene in foreign affairs
                                                          2. William Howard Taft
                                                            1. Diplomacy
                                                              1. Japan agrees to China's Open Door policy
                                                                1. Gentleman's Agreement 1907
                                                                2. Ballinger-Pinchot controversy splinters conservative Republicans and progressive Republicans
                                                                3. Woodrow Wilson
                                                                  1. Diplomacy
                                                                    1. idealistic and inexperienced/pacifist
                                                                      1. moral diplomacy: not do what's best for America, but what is best for the world
                                                                        1. negotiated Cooling Off Treaties
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