Econimical air travel


Mind Map on Air travel, created by Nguyễn Vân Anh on 15/03/2017.
Nguyễn  Vân Anh
Mapa Mental por Nguyễn Vân Anh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Nguyễn  Vân Anh
Creado por Nguyễn Vân Anh hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Econimical air travel
  1. Advantage
    1. promote tourism
      1. Broaden/enrich leisure experiene
        1. ameliorate quality of life
        2. widen the range of potential holiday destinations
          1. turn to/resort to air flight as a means of travel
            1. long-haul holiday
          2. give a boost to trade
            1. facilitate exporting and importing products
              1. be an enabler of exchange of goods between countries
              2. attract investment into and out of the country
              3. closer international integration
                1. generate remarkable economic growth
                  1. unlock the potential for trade and tourism
                  2. Disadvantage
                    1. come at the cost of quality
                      1. Delay
                        1. Personal experience
                      2. environmental impacts
                        1. exarcerbate/compound the already serious problem of air pollution
                          1. give off/emit sheer volumes of emissions even when idling or taxiing
                            1. return flight to Florida produces the equivalent carbon dioxide to a year's motoring
                              1. return flight to Australia equals the emissions of three average cars for a year
                                1. Fly from London to Edinburgh for the weekend and you produce 193kg of CO2, eight times the 23.8kg you produce by taking the train
                                2. Climate change
                                  1. pollution is released at an altitude where its effect on climate change is more than double that on the ground
                              2. civil aviation
                                1. should be curtailed to alleviate environmental impacts
                                  1. A decade of low ticket prices has fuelled trips
                                    1. 30-60% cheaper
                                      1. 200% growth in UK regional airports
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