Matters of life


Mapa Mental sobre Matters of life, creado por Aleesha Luthra el 10/05/2013.
Aleesha Luthra
Mapa Mental por Aleesha Luthra, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Aleesha Luthra
Creado por Aleesha Luthra hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Matters of life
  1. Sanctity of life: life is s sacred gift from god, only go can decided when it starts and ends, its is extremly prescious and should be treated witht eh utmost respect.
    1. Evidence for the sanity of life: "Surley you know that God's spirit lives within you"
    2. When life begins:
      1. Musliums: 4 months after pregancy they belive this is when the child recieves its soul from Allah.
        1. conception
          1. 14 weeks when the embroy attaches itself tto the womb.
            1. When the heart begins at 3 weeks
              1. 9 weeks when the child can be felt moving in the womb.
                1. uk law states at 24 weeks the child can survie on its own without the mother.
                2. Medicail pracices that created Human life
                  1. IVF: Int vitro fertislation. this is wherr the sperm and egg are collected and are fertilisded in a glass dish whih is placed in the women's womb and hopefully results in preganacy, this is used to help couples who are unable to make babies naturally.
                    1. for: by having a baby you are fulfilling god's wishes' go forth and multiply'
                      1. Against: god may have not want the couple to have children therefore its going aginst God's wishes.
                        1. Quote: 'hannah had none and the lord closed her womb'
                        2. God has a plan for everyone- his plan you were not to have children you are messing with god's plans
                          1. A thesechildren have not been pridced in the normal manner of most human life they can grow feeling abnormal and detched from the world and other people.
                            1. An ivf children may never know his or her father andmother, they never feel totally connected to the parnets that have raised them.
                              1. can you ever really love a chil.ld in the same way if its is not boloigically connected.
                                1. everyone should have the chance to have a baby. thisallows couples with fertility problems to have children.
                                2. AID/AIH: Artifical insemination by donor/husband. Semen are injected into the women's vigina when she ovulates amd hoppefully gets pregnant. AIH is offten used if the huisband has a low sperm count and AID is used when the father had a genetic disease which can be passed on to children.
                                  1. if the huband has a genetic disease this would be unfair for the child to be born with a disease when there is an alternative in which this can be prevented.
                                    1. they allow you to fulfil god's command 'go forth and multiply'
                                      1. this allows couples who have fertility problems produce a baby, and it allows homosexual couples have childern.
                                        1. the husband or donor has to mastibate to get the sample this is immoral.
                                          1. If aid is used it wouldn't be the husband's child it will never be his child therfore the husband may never truly love the child.
                                            1. these children have not been produced in the normal manner therfore growing up to feel abnormal and detach from the world and other people.
                                              1. An Aid child may never know its boilogical father, they may never feel totally connected to the father that has raised them.
                                                1. god is in charge of life. Not humans
                                                2. surrogacy- this is wehn another women carries a baby on her behalf beucase she is unable to carry the children due to fertitility problems
                                                  1. if everyone who is part of the process wants to do it thenit's fine.
                                                    1. if having children makes you happy then this would please a benevolent god
                                                      1. this can be classes as adultery on the husband.
                                                        1. embroy's a destroyed in this process this is killing god given life this is going against the sanity of life and value of life.
                                                          1. not produce in the normal manner children feels abnormal and diconnect with the rest of the world.
                                                            1. cloning: this is creating a genetically identical human being. Thoughout the world this is illegal. But this method has its postives such it help with svaiour silblings for example is a child is suffering fromm a diease which is genetic, a saviour silbing have the defective genes replaced in an older brother or siter.. This however is not legqal.
                                                              1. genetic engineering: genes can be removed fgrom ebroys or defective ones replace to prevent a childbeing born with a gentioc disease. This is know an embyrology. this could also allows parnets to dtermine the hair and eye colour of thioer child if they wish to this is known as designer babies many see this as an abuse of gentic engineering.
                                                                1. blood transfunsion: this is where blood from other people is used to replace in a patient.
                                                                  1. transplants: this is where someone's organ is replace by someelses usally rthe donor is someohne dead.
                                                                    1. Human experimants: this is the testing of mediecines on pauid human vo
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                                                                        1. Human animal hybrid experiments: a human animal hybried is an embryo created by putting human dna and an animal egg together. This has been done witha cow egg for the purposes of reseach into cures for diseases
                                                                        2. the value of life: A price can not be put on life.
                                                                          1. The quality of life
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