Fatima's Soft bones


Mapa Mental sobre Fatima's Soft bones, creado por Batool Aldaher el 17/03/2017.
Batool Aldaher
Mapa Mental por Batool Aldaher, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Batool Aldaher
Creado por Batool Aldaher hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Fatima's Soft bones
  1. Anatomy Of Hip Joint
    1. pelvic Bone
      1. Femur
        1. Ligaments
        2. Femoral triangle
          1. Gluteal Region
        3. Hip Movement
          1. Gross and Micro-Structure of Bones
            1. Normal growth and development of bones
              1. After Birth
                1. Growth in length
                  1. Growth in width
                  2. Before Birth
                    1. Intarmembranous
                      1. Endochondral
                        1. primary ossification
                          1. Secondary ossification
                      2. Goniometer
                        1. device used to measure joint angles or range-of-motion
                        2. Osteoporosis
                          1. Pathophysiology
                            1. Clinical Picture
                              1. History
                                1. Fractures
                                2. Diagnosis
                                  1. FRAX
                                    1. DXA scan
                                    2. Tests
                                      1. Screening tests
                                        1. Laboratory tests
                                          1. Blood Ca level
                                            1. V D
                                              1. Thyroid tests
                                                1. PTH
                                                  1. FSH
                                                    1. Testosterone
                                                      1. Protein electrophoresis
                                                        1. ALP
                                                      2. Management
                                                        1. Non-pharmacological
                                                          1. Exercise
                                                            1. V. D & Ca supplements
                                                              1. avoid glucocorticoids
                                                                1. smoking cession
                                                          2. Pharmacological
                                                            1. Bisphosphate
                                                              1. Selective estrogen receptor medulators
                                                                1. Calcitonin
                                                                  1. Denosumab
                                                                    1. Teriparatide
                                                        2. bone mineral density
                                                          1. Hip Fractures
                                                            1. Epidemiology
                                                              1. Types
                                                                1. Stress fracture of the hip
                                                                  1. Intertrochanteric hip fracture
                                                                    1. Femoral neck fracture
                                                                2. Risk Factors
                                                                  1. Age
                                                                    1. Gender
                                                                      1. Heredity
                                                                        1. Nutrition
                                                                          1. Lifestyle
                                                                  2. Clinical Finding
                                                                    1. Pain in the groin
                                                                      1. external rotation of limb
                                                                        1. Unable to bear weight
                                                                          1. Pain in the knee
                                                                            1. Bruising
                                                                              1. Limited ROM
                                                                                1. Shortened
                                                                    2. Treatment
                                                                      1. Internal fixation
                                                                        1. Hemiarthroplasty
                                                                          1. Complete hip replacement
                                                                          2. Prognosis
                                                                            1. Complications
                                                                              1. UTI
                                                                                1. Pneumonia
                                                                                  1. Bedsores
                                                                                    1. Blood clots
                                                                                      1. loss of muscle mass
                                                                                    2. Differential diagnosis of generalized pain in bones/joints
                                                                                      1. QUALITY OF LIFE ISSUES
                                                                                        1. Depression
                                                                                          1. Anxiety
                                                                                            1. Insomnia
                                                                                              1. Dementia
                                                                                                1. Alcohol abuse
                                                                                        2. Demographics
                                                                                          1. Fatima
                                                                                            1. 65 years old
                                                                                            2. Trendelenburg's test
                                                                                              1. Metabolism of:
                                                                                                1. Calcium
                                                                                                  1. Vitamin D
                                                                                                    1. Phosphorous
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