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Political change in the US
GCSE Politics Mapa Mental sobre Political change in the US, creado por Dan Bacon el 22/03/2017.
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Mapa Mental por
Dan Bacon
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Dan Bacon
hace casi 8 años
Resumen del Recurso
Political change in the US
The Constitution
The requirement for super majorities
2/3rds in both Houses
3/4ths of all states
Incredibly difficult
Only 27 successful amendments
Means that the Bill of Rights has an entrenched status
Failure to pass Flag Desecration
Failure to pass an equal rights amendment for women
Gun control would require a constitutional amendment
The system of government
The Founding Fathers wanted a system that was hard to change
They did not like the centralisation of power in the British system
The Separation of Powers
Divided government
Increased partisanship in US politics makes this even worse
The rise of the Tea Party
The Supreme Court
The power of Judicial Review
Means that the Court can strike down laws as unconstitutional
Impact can be shown by attempts to introduce gun control
DC v Heller 2008
US v Lopez 1995
Printz v US 1997
The power of the President
The decline in the power of the President
The imperilled Presidency
The President only has the power to persuade
Obama and gun control?
Shootings at Sandyhook Elementary School
Public opinion seemed in favour of a gun control measure
Obama set up a task force under Biden
Executive Order January 2013
Proposals for Congress to consider
The NRA mobilised Congress to block these proposals
However, some were passed at state level - Connecticut and New York
However, the President is still an incredibly important figure in US politics
They are capable of making significant changes
Obama won a convincing victory in 2008
The Democrats also had control of the Senate and the House
This enabled him to introduce 'Obamacare'
The Republicans control both the House and the Senate
This means he is in a position to change US politics?
However, Republicans are opposing his plans to change Obamacare
The Imperial Presidency
The two- year election cycle in the House
This means that members have to respond to the wishes of constituents
Party control can be weak
Link to power of the President
Difficulties of legislative process
Laws have to pass through both Houses
The influence of Pressure Groups on this process
Groups such as the NRA can mobilise politicians to stop unwanted bills
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