Tataquara Lodge


Mapa Mental sobre Tataquara Lodge, creado por isabelsimpsonx el 04/05/2014.
Mapa Mental por isabelsimpsonx, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por isabelsimpsonx hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Tataquara Lodge
  1. Located in Amazon Rainforest
    1. Characteristics
      1. Operated by 6 local tribes
        1. Has 15 rooms
          1. Activities
            1. Fishing
              1. Canoeing
                1. Wildlife
                  1. Wildlife viewing
                    1. Forest walks
                  2. Benefits
                    1. Environmental
                      1. Built from local materials
                        1. No trees cut down to build lodge
                          1. Doesnt spoil scenery
                            1. Uses solar power to power lights rather than burning fossil fuels
                              1. Food is all sourced locally
                              2. Economic
                                1. Income goes straight to the local economy
                                2. Social
                                  1. Creates jobs for local people
                                    1. People from local village encouraged to sell crafts and perform traditional dances and songs. This preserves the culture.
                                      1. Profits earned from the lodge are used to provide health care and education for thousands of people from the local tribes.
                                    2. Sustainability
                                      1. Area developed by increasing the quality of life of local people
                                        1. Money generated without damaging environment
                                          1. When staying there you have a carbon footprint of 0.
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