Ionic, Compound and Isotopes


Facts about Ionic, Compound and Isotopes. Comment below if this helps you:)
Evangeline Taylor
Mapa Mental por Evangeline Taylor, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Evangeline Taylor
Creado por Evangeline Taylor hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Ionic, Compound and Isotopes
  1. Atomic number and mass number describe an atom
    1. Numbers that tell you how many of each kind of particle an atom has:
      1. The Mass Number
        1. Total number of protons and neutrons
          1. Top Number of the element
        2. The Atomic Number
          1. Number of protons
            1. Bottom Number of the element
      2. To get the number of neutrons, just subtract the atomic number from the mass number to get the relative mass.
        1. Compounds are chemically bonded
          1. Compounds are formed when atoms of two or more element are chemically combined together
            1. It’s difficult to separate the two original elements out again
            2. Isotopes are the same except for an extra neutron or two
              1. A favourite exam question “Explain what is meant by the term isotopes”
                1. Isotopes are: different atomic forms of the same element, which have the SAME number of PROTONS but a DIFFERENT number of NEUTRONS
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