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Treaty of Versailles
Mapa Mental sobre Treaty of Versailles, creado por maddieisproductive el 11/05/2013.
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Resumen del Recurso
Treaty of Versailles
War Guilt
Germany was declared entirely responsible for starting the First World War
Therefore the Allies were entitled to charge Germany for all the costs of the war
Military punishments
Germany's army and navy were cut back
Army was limited to 100 000 men and conscription was banned
Conscription was banned and men joining the army had to serve for a 12 year minim
The Navy could have only 6 battleships and no tanks or military planes
This helped make it harder for Germany to try to start a war
But also made Germany feel weak and threatened
Empire Punishments
Germany's territories around the world e.g. Africa were given to other world powers
Britain, Australia and Japan were given territories
This took away a source of income from trade as well as power
Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria which was small and weak after the war
Cost of War
Germany had to pay reparations money to the countries damaged by war
In total they had to pay $6 600 000 000
This put Germany in debt and caused the economy to suffer greatly
Land Punishments
Germany lost land it had captured from other countries
Alsace Lorraine and Saar was given back to France
Upper Silesia joined Poland though many voted to stay with Germany
Memel joined Lithuania
Many of the land taken was rich in resources
Taking them away took away a source of income for Germany
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