

A-Levels Sociology Mapa Mental sobre Theorists, creado por autumnheart101 el 12/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por autumnheart101, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por autumnheart101 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Cooley
    1. One develops a self-image via their reflection
      1. People form their self from reflection & response gained during socialisation.
        1. Person imagines how they appear to others
          1. Person imagines the judgement people are making
            1. Looking Glass Self
            2. Goffman - Stigmas
              1. May use disidentifies
                1. Stigmatised people don't have full social acceptance
                  1. Individuals possess trait that turn people away from them
                    1. Some may try to compensate by criticizing 'normals' or hiding
                      1. May be seen as weak or helpless
                      2. Goffman - dramaturgical
                        1. Manner - how the individual plays the role and warns audience of how performer will act
                          1. Front Stage - where the character performs & adheres to conventions
                            1. Performance - activity of individual in front of particular audience
                              1. Backstage - actors get to be their true self
                                1. Social interaction is like a theatre & people are the actors
                                2. Becker
                                  1. Self Fulfilling prophecy
                                    1. Individuals identity depends on how they're labelled by individuals with power
                                      1. Suggests that an act only becoes deviant when others precieve it be deviant
                                      2. Mead
                                        1. 'I' is response of the persons individuality
                                          1. 'me' is expectations and attitudes of others
                                            1. Self has the ability to put ourselves into the place of others
                                              1. Self arises through social experiences
                                                1. Play Stage - learn to take the attiudes of others
                                                  1. Game Stage - children take the roles of others
                                                    1. Generalised other = the individual defines their behaviour with reference to gederalised attitude of the social group
                                                    2. Weber
                                                      1. Inequality could be influecned by things other than the economy
                                                        1. Status difference is at the heart of economy but its not just class
                                                          1. Between 1950 and 1990 white people had more status than black people
                                                          2. Baudrillard
                                                            1. Hyper Reality
                                                              1. Media Saturated Society
                                                              2. Bourdieu
                                                                1. Cultural Capital
                                                                  1. 'taste' depends on education and class
                                                                    1. Need to define what's good taste
                                                                    2. Freud
                                                                      1. Phallic Stage - intersted in genitals
                                                                        1. Early Childhood Experiences
                                                                          1. Id - impulsive pleasure principle
                                                                            1. Ego - reality principle
                                                                              1. Superego is moral principle
                                                                              2. Parker
                                                                                1. Occupation influences the leisure activities we choose
                                                                                  1. Working class extrinsic rewards & leisure provides escape such as pub
                                                                                    1. Middle class intrisic rewards leisure links to work such as playing golf with work mates
                                                                                    2. Clark and Critcher
                                                                                      1. Inequality of leisure opportunity
                                                                                        1. Material - need acces to key resources such as time and money
                                                                                          1. Cultural - what is appropriate leisure depending on social class
                                                                                            1. Constraint as shows inequalities present in society as ruling class gain more
                                                                                            2. Gidden Projects of Self
                                                                                              1. Can have sex changes
                                                                                                1. Body is no longer fixed
                                                                                                  1. Changing the body isn't always natural
                                                                                                    1. Body is a project
                                                                                                      1. Can be shaped through diet, exercise and cosmetically
                                                                                                        1. If you can afford surgery you can change undesired body parts
                                                                                                        2. Giddens Runaway World
                                                                                                          1. Globalisation undermines the ability of institutions
                                                                                                            1. Manufactured risks - man made and have arisen as result of new technologies and advances of science
                                                                                                              1. Detraditionalisation - Traditional ways of acting in society are ending as they are exposed to new cultures through globalisation
                                                                                                                1. Cosmopolitanism - individuals less restrained by tradion and can pick cultural aspects that suit them
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