Janice's Painful Knee


Mapa Mental sobre Janice's Painful Knee, creado por Salma Mk el 07/04/2017.
Salma Mk
Mapa Mental por Salma Mk, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Salma Mk
Creado por Salma Mk hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Janice's Painful Knee
    1. knee joint
      1. the leg
        1. anterior compartment
          1. lateral compartment
            1. posterior compartment
              1. superificial
                1. deep
                2. blood supply
                  1. innervation
                3. Connective tissue
                  1. consists of cells and extracellular components
                    1. does not contain vessels or nerves
                      1. surrounded by perichondrium
                        1. ground substance
                          1. hyaluronan
                            1. tropocollagen
                              1. collagen's precursor
                              2. chondroitin sulfate
                              3. types
                                1. fibrous cartilage
                                  1. type 1 collagen dominant
                                    1. found in
                                      1. intra=articular structures
                                        1. intervertebral discs
                                    2. elastic cartilage
                                      1. elastic fibers dominant
                                        1. found in
                                          1. epiglottis
                                            1. external ear
                                        2. hyaline cartilage
                                          1. glassy appearance
                                            1. found in
                                              1. costal cartilage
                                                1. articular cartilage
                                        3. causes of knee pain
                                          1. injuries
                                            1. ACL injury
                                              1. fractures
                                                1. knee bursitis
                                                  1. patellar tendinitis
                                                  2. mechanical problems
                                                    1. iliotibial syndrome
                                                      1. dislocated patella
                                                        1. hip or foot pain
                                                        2. ARTHRITIS
                                                          1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
                                                            1. Gout
                                                              1. Osteoarthritis
                                                                1. degenerative joint disease of asymmetrical joints
                                                                  1. primary
                                                                    1. idiopathic
                                                                    2. secondary
                                                                      1. known joint disease or trauma
                                                                      2. Pathologenesis
                                                                      3. risk factors
                                                                        1. age
                                                                          1. above 45 years
                                                                          2. obesity
                                                                            1. genetic mutations
                                                                              1. trauma
                                                                                1. physical activity
                                                                                  1. alignment
                                                                                  2. signs & symptoms
                                                                                    1. pain on movement or loading
                                                                                      1. crepitus
                                                                                        1. swelling, tenderness
                                                                                        2. X-ray Clinical findings
                                                                                          1. decrease in joint space
                                                                                            1. osteophytes
                                                                                              1. sclerosis
                                                                                              2. Treatment
                                                                                                1. non pharmacological
                                                                                                  1. exercise
                                                                                                    1. education
                                                                                                      1. lifestyle
                                                                                                      2. pharmacological
                                                                                                        1. Glucosamine
                                                                                                          1. naturally found around the joints
                                                                                                            1. can be given in supplements
                                                                                                              1. function
                                                                                                                1. relieves joint pain
                                                                                                                  1. improve joint function
                                                                                                                    1. slow down the disease
                                                                                                            2. surgical
                                                                                                              1. stem cell injection
                                                                                                                1. knee joint replacement
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