Deutirium + hydrogen -> Helium-3 (unstable) + gamma ray
This releases a huge amount of energy using einsteins theory
Fusion only happens in the middle of the sun where it is hot enough
Outside layer of sun is only a few thousand degrees
Outer layer is called the photosphere
Main sequence stars only fuse hydrogens to heliums
A star will eventually run out of hydrogen fuel
Star Lifecycle
Red giant
When MS star runs out of hydrogen fuel fusion in the core will slow
As a result the core will be cooler and there will be less outwards pressure
The outer layers will fall inwards towards the core because of gravity
The surface will be cooler and as a result will be red
As the outer layers are pulled against the core, the core gets hotter
As a result new fusion reactions are possible and the star will start fusing heliums
From fusing heliums the star can fuse heavier elements like nitrogen oxygen and carbon
Our sun will only be able to fuse up to carbon - due to its size
Due to the high pressures from fusing heliums (which releases more energy) it will expand and get huge
Larger stars
Larger stars will form red supergiants when they run out of fuel
Because they get so big the core can get hotter and can fuse elements beyond carbon
Iron is the most stable element in the universe - a supergiant cannot fuse iron
No more fusion in red supergiants is possible after iron
In a red supergiant the core starts getting filled with iron
Then the star cannot fuse anything anymore
When the fusion stops the outer layer collapses in, it hits the
iron core and bounces off and there is a huge explosion
This explosion is a supernova and has the capability to block off a galaxy from view for weeks
In supernovas there is enough energy to make elements heavier than iron
Everything heavier than iron is made by supernovae
Our star has traces of heavier elements so that means it is made from leftovers of other stars
Neutron stars
The center core of a star can survive a supernova
If the mass is smaller than 2.5x the size of our sun it will become a neutron star
A neutron star consists nearly entirely of neutrons compressed together in a size of just 30km
Black holes
A larger collapsed core will have more gravity
So it has so much gravity it can pull in light
So it is a black hole
White dwarfs
A small star will eventually build up a core of oxygen and carbon
After the outer layers are lost the core forms a white dwarf
Comparing stars
We don't see different types of stars just stars in different stages of their life
90% of stars fall in the main sequence area
The sun is in the middle of the diagram
Gas Laws and Kelvin
Gases are made of particles widely spaced apart
They move in random directions
If a gas is trapped in a container the particles will collide with the walls and exert a small force - this is pressure
Pressure is measured in N/m2 or Pascals (Pa)
1Pa is very small
1 earth atmosphere = 101,225 Pa
Boyles law - pressure is inversely proportional to volume (constant temperature) - Pressure x Volume = constant
Charles Law - volume is directly proportional to temperature (constant pressure) - Volume/temperature = constant
Pressure law - pressure is directly proportional to temperature (constant volume) - pressure / temperature = constant
Temperature for these laws needs to be converted to Kelvin
An ideal gas is a gas that will reach -273 C without changing its state
No smaller pressure than 0 and no smaller volume than 0
If you back the LOBF of 2 graphs that show relationship of pressure and temperature and volume and temperature - pressure or volume reaches absolute zero at -273 C
To make the graphs directly proportional they invented a new unit - Kelvin
0K = -273 C
1 unit of degrees is equal to one unit of Kelvin
Kelvin = Celcius + 273
Celcius = Kelvin - 273
Our sun is 6000 C or 5727 K
How astronomers work
Ground based observatory
On surface of earth
Can only observe frequencies of radiation that are allowed through the atmosphere
Optical telescopes are housed within a dome to protect it from weather
Astronomical factors
Light pollution - all street lights etc - light gets scattered up in the atmosphere making it
difficult to see light from the outside of the atmosphere
Scintillation - twinkling of stars - earths atmosphere is not completely uniform - as light goes
through dense parts of the atmosphere it diffracts - to avoid this you need an observatory at
a high altitude where the atmosphere is thinnest
Atmospheric conditions - clouds, air pollution and high water vapour
Finding a suitable location
One with minimal light pollution, high altitude, large percentage of clear nights per year
Canary islands
Other factors
Environmental and social impact
Working conditions (altitude sickness)
Space telescopes
Can make distant observations of astronomical objects
No interferance from earths atmosphere
Can see frequencies of radiation that is blocked by the atmosphere
Dont have to put up with rain, water vapour and light pollution
Very expensive to put them in space and very expensive to send a maintenence team
International Cooperation
Unpredicable may be conflict between countries
1 Collaberation between experts from different nations can make breakthroughs
2. The nations can share the financial cost
3. Possible to share facilities and information
4. Cultural exchanges on a scientific and personal level
Eg Hubble was built by NASA and had contributions from ESA and is operated by STSI
Astronomers work
Spend a lot of time in offices
Analysing data
Creating computer programs to search through and analyse data
Writing research papers and going to meetings
They usually have to make a proposal to carry out an observation
They have a set time period to use the equipment - as some objects can only be seen at certain times in certain places
Some will accept applications from anyone, some will have criteria
Approved observation
Then get your time at the telescope
Then the data is sent by internet to office or by radio waves if it is in space
Controlling telescopes
Large telescopes are controlled by computers
Much more precise and accurate
Due to the rotation of the earth, objects appear to move, computers can precisely track them
Dont have to be at the observatory to control it
Other life
Estimated 100,000,000,000 other stars in milky way
Many of these stars have planets
Other planets are called exo-planets
Our telescopes are so good we can detect a dip in radiation from from the sun which is a planet in orbit passing by
Planets have a small gravity pull on their sun, so the sun wobbles a bit - our telescopes can detect those wobbles
When a planet goes past a sun we can see the tiny area where the planets atmosphere lies and we can look at the absorbtion spectra to see if it contains oxygen